The night before

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Harri's POV

"We're not dating, H."

"But you're going on a date," I say firmly.

I watch her brows cross. "I've agreed to be his date to ONE event. We're hardly dating."

"Well, we did sit at his table at lunch," I counter.

"Still doesn't mean we're in a relationship."

"Glad to hear it," I reply truthfully.

I know I agreed to the whole thing but I still don't like the idea of my best friend and my brother dating because I know that in the end, I will be the one who ends up alone. I mean if it wasn't for SJ's texts at lunch today I would have been left sitting at the table talking to myself since Jazz was actively engaged in whole Lacrosse Team rundown.

"Sooo, can I get you a date for the Halloween fundraiser tomorrow?" She asks with an eyebrow wiggle.

"Errr, no!" I practical yell, throwing my hands in the air. "Since when have I been interested in going to any event with anyone other than you?"

"Since SJ, that's when."

"I told you Jazz, SJ is the exception to the rule and this doesn't mean the floodgates are open and suddenly all I'm capable of talking about is boys," I reply sternly.

"Bah humbug, you're such a party pooper!" She pouts.

"No, I'm not. I just think that there is more to life than boys."

"Oh yeah, like what?" she questions throwing her hands in the air her, bangles making their trademark clang.

"Like a career, like family, like art, travel, fashion and even music," I announce, gesturing in a circle as if to emphasize how big the world is.

She stops for a second, clearly thinking about what I have just said. "Okay, you got me. Fashion and music are just as important. I mean music did lead me to the love of my life with Jax," she says with a giggle.

"You're terrible, Jazz. Like you have no chill," I mutter with a shake of my head.

"And you sound like Mr Grayson giving one of his lectures. Speaking of, we're gonna be late. Move your peach!" she instructs, slapping me on the backside.

She was right. We were late. Approaching the room I can see that the door is closed. That's never a good sign. Apart from having to do the walk of shame as everyone's eyes watch you take the last available seats, which are almost always at the front of the class. Doing this in one of Mr Grayson's classes will almost always earn you a detention.

I feel her body tense up. "Ah, shiitake."

I say nothing but continue to move towards the door following a step behind Her. She creaks open the door gently, hoping to make a stealthy entry.

As predicted, all heads pivot in our direction as if choreographed to move at the smallest sound. "Glad you could join us ladies," Mr Grayson says sarcastically as we attempt to enter.

"Sorry Sir. Harri had an allergic reaction to some err.... mushrooms," Jazz says clearly lying. I feel my jaw drop to the floor.

'Is that right, Harri?" Mr Grayson asks looking at me. Disbelief written all over his face.

I've never been good at lying. As I open my mouth to speak I feel the familiar burn as a blotchy red stress rash instantly makes itself home on my chest and quickly running up the length of my neck.

"Ummm yeah. I don't deal well with.... shiitake." I mumble.

Jazz chokes at the double meaning of my statement, causing Mr Grayson's head to snap back towards her. "And are you ok, Jazz?"

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