Practice makes perfect

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Harri's POV

I knock his mad hatter hat off releasing his curls which cascade down by his face. I promptly run my fingers through the dark strands using them as leverage to pull him closer until I feel the entirety of his body weight on top of me.

We must have stayed like this, our lips connected, my body pinned beneath his for some time. I cannot tell you for exactly how long because I lost track of time, space and everything in between while still splayed out on the gravel path where we fell. It could have been minutes, it could have been hours, and not to be dramatic but there is even a very small chance that it could have been days.

"What, Jazz?" I exhale loudly through my phone frustrated that her incessant ringing has put an end to our kiss.

"OH. MY. GOD. Where have you been? I've called you like 20 times. I was having a panic attack. Low key I thought the mad hatter had flipped a switch and strangled you with your corset," she practically screams at me while I try hard to catch the breath that SJ had just stolen from me.

I look over to SJ who has moved and is now sitting next to me, also panting.

"That's oddly specific," I mutter.

She groans, "yeah well, I had a lot of time to think about things while you were ignoring my calls."

"I wasn't ignoring you Jazz. I was...err... I was busy," I reply smirking. "And to answer your question, no SJ hasn't murdered me.... not yet anyway," I say winking at SJ through the darkness. He raises a brow in confusion but smiles anyway.

"Busy doing what?" Jazz questions suspiciously from the other end of the phone.

"I'll explain later. Theo got you home okay?" I ask, changing the topic.

"Yeah, I'll explain later," she says imitating me with a giggle.

From her pleased tone, I have a feeling that something happened between them. I am not sure if I should be happy for her and Theo or repulsed. "Do I want to hear it?" I reply cautiously.

"I'll explain later, Harri. Now get back to you whoever or whatever was keeping you busy," she says as if knowing what we were up to when she rang.

"You don't need to tell me twice."

She laughs, "so I take it you're going to spend the night out? Need me to cover for you? Want me to tell Theo and your parental units that you're at mine?"

I think about her offer, "umm..."

"Okay, I'll take that as a yes. If you're finished doing whatever it is that you're doing before sunrise you can stay at mine. Just come through the side door," she offers.

"I love you Jazz," I answer in a mock dry tone.

"How could you not?" she sings ending the call without so much as a goodbye.

I text Theo and let him know that I 'plan' on staying at Jazz's. He texts back something along the lines of whatever, it's your life. With that all out of the way, I put away my phone and return my attention to SJ who seems to also be checking in with people on his side.

I sit there watching him while he texts and can't help but smile when I see that he is also now wearing half of my makeup and that it is smudged all over his lips and face. I have a sneaking suspicion that if it wasn't for Jazz's incessant ringing that SJ and I would probably have starved to death before we were able to pull ourselves together.

"Sooo," he hums as he pushes send on his text.

"Sooo," I reply with a snort and a shiver.

His brows furrow slightly, "are you cold?"

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