Knead to Rise Up

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Senna's POV

One of the problems with traveling on Gus is being caught in traffic on the way to a venue. Then again we face the same problem when we have to get cars from the airport. The only difference being that passing the time on Gus is a lot more fun than being separated into two cars, or worst still being crammed into a minibus.

One of my favourite memories of the tour happened a year or so ago when we were due to play this really small gig to about 200 or so hand-picked fans. Fans that didn't get tickets lined the street around the concert hall and essentially stopped our bus from getting through. Zander, as quick thinking as ever, bribed a baker and arranged for us to hide in the back of his bread van. Since the van had no windows in the back the fans couldn't see us and let the van straight through the crowd.

As hot and sticky as it was back there (seriously though I almost passed out), we had a lot of fun. I remember I felt physically sick when we got out because we were being jostled and jolted around and since there were no seatbelts we had to hold on to each other so we didn't go flying around the cabin. Jax couldn't help himself and got stuck into the pastries that were stacked in the trays in the back with us. I swear he was on a sugar high for weeks after that.

We must have been in there for no more than twenty minutes but in that time we managed to write one of my favourite songs. It started out like always, us singing about something stupid. Jax was just tapping away on the crates singing about yeast, bread kneading, and the baking process, and somehow 'Rise Up' was written. We debuted the song that night, as somewhat of a joke, the funny thing is the fans loved it and assumed it was some kind of anthem about sticking it the man and rising up against injustice. It got so much traction on social media from that one play that we ended up recording and releasing it. We've never really had the heart to anyone where it actually came from, but every time we're stuck in traffic on our way to the gig I think about that night.

Today, we managed to get to the location just in time for sound check, and just like that night, tonight's gig is an intimate one which fortunately doesn't require a full stage set up. 

Tonight we're playing a reduced set for a 100 radio station competition winners. I like these intimate shows because they give us a chance to really interact with the fans, and they also don't take as much energy out of us as stadium events do.

As we head to wardrobe our clothes are already laid out for us. Jax and I have our standard black skinny jeans, and v-neck t-shirts. Except that today his is shirt is white and mine is black. As I change into the outfit I start humming the tune to 'Rise Up'. Moving around the room the others start to hum along with me as if they're all just as deep in memory lane as I am. I seriously love these pre-show feels.

I look over at the twins, who are also dressed in the same black skinny jeans. The only difference is that Rafa likes to customize his by tearing them across the knee and thigh. Luca, deciding that today they would be identical tried to copy this but just ended up with a gaping hole exposing half his right leg. The stylists suggested he change, but he just shrugged his shoulders at them and told them it made it him 'look more punk', which earned himself slap across the back of the head from Rafa, who called him an idiot.

Today they also have matching black round neck T-Shirts with an unbuttoned red and black checkered shirt over the top. They also both have identical black army boots which are only laced up halfway so that the ends fold down at their ankles. I watch as Luca sits in the dressing room armchair tapping his foot in tune with the song. The tongue of his boot flapping in rhythm.

Just past the twins is Beckett. He is standing, at the dress looking in the mirror, making sure his blonde hair is perfectly combed. In typical Beckett style, he is dressed in regular-fit blue jeans, and a cream Gucci embroidered sweater. I look him up and down and shake my head, and he wonders why people don't think he fits into a rock band.

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