Lime spider

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Senna's POV

I know I should have my eyes on the road but I can't help but watch Harri through my peripheral vision as she sits perfectly still on the front seat of my Dad's Mustang, Ruby. Her hands folded in her lap while she diligently gives me directions towards the cafe. She hasn't bothered to put her crown back since it fell off in our little 'tumble', instead her black hair is resting in messy waves on her shoulders. Looking closely I can see that she has blonde roots and honestly I wonder why she tries to cover it up. Either way she's beautiful. She has her eyes trained on the road in front of us, which tells me that I should probably do the same.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. It's probably another reply from Jax who basically freaked out when I sent him a photo of my costume. He called me sausage in batter for not inviting him to the party. I explained that I couldn't have him cramping my style. He did threaten to come and crash the party since I'm only an hour away but as extra as Jax is that would be next level even for him. At least, I hope that's the case.

Chapeldown is nice town, very much like McCrae Crest which isn't surprising given the proximity. I follow her directions down the tree lined streets and we pull up at the twenty four hour café no more than ten minutes later.

Stepping out of the car I almost feel like I need sunglasses to ward off the glare from the bright neon 'diner' sign that is fixed to the top of free standing building. Squinting we make our way inside.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom and tidy up," she says walking towards the back wall.

"I might do the same," I reply following her towards what I assume is the bathroom. "Want me to order something for you?"

"A lime spider, please?" she calls out, with a slight hiss when pronouncing the s in the word please.

I smile at the purity of her request. "Anything for you my Queen," I tease as the bathroom door closes behind me.

I almost choke as I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Thank fudge that Zander or the paps aren't here to capture this. I'd never live it down.

I use a wet piece of towel to wipe off the smudges of makeup and run my hand through my curls. Satisfied that my identity is still somewhat protected I make my way back out to cafe.

I order Harri's lime spider, a Nutella milkshake for myself and piece of black forest cake to share and get us a booth by the window. While I wait for her to join me I check my text messages. As suspected the buzz I felt earlier was from Jax.

"I want to party. I can't let this epic costume go to waste."

"I love you bro, but I'm busy." I type trying to let him down softly.

"Yeah, I know with your girlfriend."

"Yes, with my gf."

"WHAT?!? Really? As in officially?"


"WOW! You move quick."

"It kinda just happened."

"How does that kinda just happen?"

"Jax, I gotta go. She's coming back." I text as I see Harri walking to the table with a smile on her face. "Drop past tomorrow. Mum wants to see you."

"Sure, but tonight we party!"

"No Jax. No"

"Yes. Imma third wheel the shiitake out of you."

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