Erik, with a K

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Senna's POV

After all these weeks I cannot believe this is actually happening. I wasn't sure it would all work out, especially when Peyton told me that she wouldn't help me with my costume because she didn't have the right makeup products. Luckily she changed her tune when I agreed to buy her whatever makeup she wanted as payment for her services.  

So this morning instead of napping and killing this jetlag I have, we made an emergency trip to the department store. I am pretty sure I dropped more money on cosmetics today than I did when I upgraded my bed. It took me almost a full hour to drag Peyton out of the store. 

Fortunately enough, my thick scarf and beanie were enough of a disguise that we managed to do the entire trip completely under the radar. I guess the news that we were home hadn't quite made it back yet since usually it was almost impossible to leave the house without finding screaming fans around every corner.

I pull Harri in tighter, determined to make our hug last as long as possible. As I feel her nuzzle into my neck, I rest my cheek on top of her head making sure not to stab myself in the eye with her crown. I breathe in deep to savour the moment. Her hair smells like a mixture of jasmine and a shiitake tone of hairspray. Lucky there are no open flames around.

"I can't believe you're actually here," she says as she draws away from me. 

My body feels instantly cold at the loss of contact. I reach over and grab her hand, holding it tightly in mine on top of the bar. I take the fact that she doesn't pull away as a sign that she misses the warmth too.

"Wait you are actually here aren't you? I'm not imagining this am I?" She questions, pinching my cheek with her free hand.

"No, you're not imagining it. I'm here. In the flesh," I reassure her as I take in her face. Sure she has a fantastic amount of make on but it is powerless at hiding her beauty.

"How? Why?" She asks in disbelief.

"Well, when you told me about the fundraiser I got the idea, and then when you told me about Theo and Jazz I knew I had to come and keep your dateless ar..... artichoke, company," I explain never letting my eyes leave her face.

"Oh I am so happy to did, but I have to confess...."

She looks up at me with her grey eyes and it takes all my power not to lean across and kiss her. "Yes..." I say encouragingly.

To my surprise the words, "I didn't come here dateless," leave her mouth. I know we aren't exactly exclusive but I am still shocked at the confession.

"What do you mean?" I ask as I pull my hands away from hers.

"It's not what you think," she stresses, her eyes pleading with me to hear her out.

I consider getting up and leaving but I've come this far. "How so?" I challenge.

I try and keep my voice steady but god knows I can feel my blood pressure rising. My hands threaten to shake so I shove them in the pockets of my costume. My mind is racing. I'm not even sure why I am so angry. I've literally just met the girl. I can't be this upset with someone I've just met, can I? How can she have this much of an impact on me already?

"Theo." She squeaks out distracting me from my thoughts.

"Theo, what?" I question as I realise it's not anger I'm feeling. It's hurt. 

"Theo said he felt bad for stealing Jazz as my date so he arranged for Erik Robson to be my date. I swear I didn't know until I got in the car and I would never have agreed to it," she explains in a panic.

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