The girl code

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Harri's POV

"He's from McCrae Crest?" she questions taking another gummy worm from the bag that seems to be glued to her hand lately.

"Yeah, that's what he said."

"He's meet Jax?" Her eyes are wide with excitement.

"Yes, Jazz. That's what I said."

She doesn't say anything for a few seconds, biting into yet another worm."Ok, I like this guy!"

"Well, that's good. Glad I have your approval," I say dryly eyeing the depleted packet of gummies.

"Don't mock the girl code, H. Your besties approval is mandatory. It's not negotiable. It's basically law!" She throws her arms in the air making her bangles clang. I roll my eyes at her, but nod in agreement. "So what else did he say?"

I fill her in on the conversation trying not to sound as keen as I feel. As I am talking I start to wonder if I am trying to convince Jazz that it's nothing or convince myself that it's nothing. Truth be told I am kind of terrified of boys and SJ is the first once I've really spoken to, well texted or even acknowledged.

It's standard day, ending with Grayson's class. He is in his usual mood. Which would usually have me on edge but after last class, I figure, what's the worst that could happen? I take the seat right in middle at the front. Directly in his line of sight as if to challenge him.

There is something about this letting go of my social anxiety thing that I'm starting to like. I see the panic in Jazz's eyes as she falls into the seat directly behind me. The crunch of the empty gummy packet in her pocket audible as she sits. I make a mental note to ask her about this new obsession.

Grayson looks up at me from his seat behind the desk but says nothing about my new seating position. I detect a flicker of a smile on his face but it's gone in a flash.

Time moves at a glacial pace. It feels like hours have passed by the time the bell finally rings. I pack up my books and rush to my locker grabbing out my phone which I left there to avoid a repeat of my last run in with Mr Grayson. My brows cross when I see that there are no new messages. I refresh my page. Still no new messages.

"Are you up for a trip to the mall?' Jazz asks taking a fresh bag of gummies from her bag. I think about her offer. I don't have anything better to do especially now that my hopes for texting SJ all night have been dashed.

"Sure. Are you looking for something specific or just prowling for boys?"

"Humpf! I don't prowl," she exclaims. I raise my brow. "Okay, well maybe I prowl a little. But no, that's not why I want to go. Why need to go," she argues pulling her braid through her hands as if on a loop.

"Ok. I'll bite. Whats on the to-do today?" I ask curiously.

She tucks some loose hair behind her ears and looks towards the quad. "Nothing much."

Something is definitely up with her. First the gummies and now this. I try and search her face for clues but come up empty. "Jazz, what aren't you telling me?"

"I just... well, I don't want to go home," she mumbles quietly almost whisper-like.


"He's going to be there. He got in yesterday."

I mentally beat myself up. I should have known he was home. I've been so focused on myself that I missed the signs. "This explains sudden gummy addiction," I comment, looking at another half-empty bag in her hand.

She hides the packet behind her back. 'What addiction?"

"We'll talk about that later. Let's go before we miss the bus," I say dragging her by her bangle covered wrist.

We take a seat in the middle of the bus, leaving the rowdy boys at the back and the first years at the front. "How long is he home for?' I ask cautiously.

"A few weeks."

"Sleepover at mine this weekend? I'll even sit through a Gate Thirty Four YouTube marathon," I offer with a reassuring smile.

"Oh really? If I had of known that's was all it would take to get you watching them I would have started on the gummies sooner."

"Well, if you don't want to..."

She throws her hand over my mouth. "Shhh, I'm in!".

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