Wanna see the sunrise? Part 2

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Harri's POV

What a night? I can't actually believe this is happening. I mean when I got ready and put on my costume for the Halloween fundraiser I thought it was going to be the worst and most lonely night of my life. Yet here I am walking up a grassy hill hand in hand with SJ, my boyfriend, to watch the sunrise. Things couldn't be any better.

Well, that might actually be a lie, I think as the sound of Jazz screaming penetrates my brain. "Jackson put her down," SJ grumbles annoyed by the disturbance of the peace.

"No! It's the only way that I can get her up the hill since she is too lazy to walk herself. Isn't that right, Jazz Apples?" he calls out over his shoulder to Jazz who is clinging to his back like a koala.

"I could get used to this," she giggles with yet another high pitched squeal. She uses her feet and gently kicks him in the side while slapping him on the backside as if she is riding a horse. "Giddyup, Jackson!" she instructs.

Jackson obliges putting his head down and making a run for the summit all the while 'neighing', almost dropping her in the process.

"What do you think, Jazz Apples...nice view?" he asks placing her feet gently on the grass once they reach the top.

"Stop calling me that Jackson!" she demands, slapping him playfully on the arm.

He flashes her a cheeky grin. The painted Joker makeup cracks along the same lines which were left behind by his previous smiles. "Shhh," he teases. Jokingly putting his index finger to her lips shushing her instantly. "You love it! Anyway, everyone knows horses love apples so it kind of fits the situation, don't you think?"

Jazz doesn't answer, at least not with words, but the twirling of her hair between her fingers is pretty good indication that she feeling it just as much as he is.

As SJ and I reach the top I feel my breath literally leave my lungs. The view is nothing short of spectacular. "How do you know about this place?" I ask SJ.

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close until I am pressed against his body, my left ear resting on his shoulder, my head tilted sideways facing the skyline. "My Dad and I used to come up here. He used to say that life was all about perspective and that to really understand how small your problems are, you have to first understand how big the world is. "

I feel the vibration of his voice through his chest which reverberates directly to my ear. "Sounds like a smart man," I hum as I take in the lights and the night sky before me.

"That he was," Jackson adds fondly, as he plonks down onto the grass, not so gently dragging Jazz down with him.

I smile thinking about SJ's and Jackson's relationship. I wonder what it would be like to have friends that have known you for most of your life. I guess I have Theo, but it's not really the same. We didn't really hang out much growing up and when we did it was mostly just him torturing me. Although I do have some good memories, like a few pretty epic water fights during the Summer months.

I snuggle in closer to SJ, breathing in his aroma. It's calming. A cross somewhere between a Tom Ford fragrance and boy, and not boy in a bad way. Boy, in a good way. Boy in a cool way.

Then again it could be the fact that there is no noise from the road below, only the sound of the wind gently whistling through the trees and the occasional chirping of a bird. Either way, I feel the calmest I have in weeks and judging by the smile on Jazz's face and the fact that I have not seen a gummy worm near her mouth for days I am guessing she feels the same.

SJ and I take a seat next to Jackson and Jazz, who are sitting side by side. Her head resting on his shoulder while they discuss who would play each other in a movie based on their lives. And again, by discuss, I mean argue. Apparently, Jackson doesn't agree with Jazz's casting of Jack Black in the role of him. "No way, Jazz Apples. It definitely needs to be someone more ruggedly handsome. Someone like Ryan whats-his-name..."

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