Flying pigs, girl gangs and brothers

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Senna's POV

It had been three days since I spoke with Harri, and despite my best efforts to call again the next day Zander had packed our schedule so full I hadn't found time to call her. There was the occasional text but nothing that felt as good as hearing her voice.

As I crash on the bed of yet another hotel room, I press dial. It's barely on the second ring when I hear the sound I've been craving.

"Hello," her voice sounds from the other end.

"Oh, I get a hello this time do I?" I tease recalling how our first call started.

She laughs. "Did you just snort?" I ask amused.

"Oh god. Kill me now," she whispers, her voice barely audible.

I smile to myself. "I'd prefer not too. Then who would I talk too?"

"Well, after I'm gone Jazz will need comforting," she says with a giggle.

"Won't she be busy with Jax?" I tease remembering her friend's obsession with him.

She snorts again. "Ha! she wishes. Despite her instance that he'll one day turn up at our school to sweep her off her feet, I truly doubt he even knows she exists."

I smirk, thankful that she can't see me. This is just what I needed after the week I've had.

"Well, you never know stranger things have happened." I tease.

"Well unless he can hear her on a subliminal level I'd say it's pretty safe bet," she replies matter-of-factly.

I run my hand through my hair, pulling the stands away from my face. If only she knew, I think trying to stifle my laughter.

"Each to their own I guess. Not really my scene," she continues.

Curious, I ask a question I'm not sure I want to know the answer too, "what scene is that?"

"The whole celebrity thing. Wayyyy to much drama. I mean Jazz showed me the clip of some singer's girlfriend being beaten up by his fans in an airport. Not to mention social media."

Shit. This isn't good. She's right though. Joanna copped a lot of flack online for dating Beckett, and that was before it came out that she was selling information. They tore her to shreds once the truth came out. I mean our fans are great but they can be ruthless and there really isn't much they haven't managed to undercover. They're great detectives. Too good, really.

It is one of the reasons Zander is as protective as he is. There have been many times that fans have shown up in places they really shouldn't have been. We even had one hide in the rubbish bin at a hotel. It was hilarious at the time but I think we all know how easily things could have gone wrong.

I swallow hard. This isn't good. This really isn't good. I mean I guess this is what I wanted, someone who doesn't talk to me just for the fame. How can I ever tell her who I am now knowing how she feels?

I hear her speak again, her voice low. "SJ, are you there?"

Shit. I must have zoned out.

"Yeah.... I'm here. I don't think it's always that way though," I reply.

"Maybe not, but still it is too much drama for me. Not that that will ever be a problem I'm ever gonna have. I mean the teachers barely know I exist let alone anyone remotely famous." She chuckles, snorting again.

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