The Grand Finale

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Harri's POV

"Shhh! It's starting," she orders as the lights go down.

"Jazz, I'm trying to tell you it's all true."

"Harri, shhh! I know it's true, I'm the one who told you he was here," she replies indignantly not understanding what I am trying to say.

I take a deep breath, "no, Jazz. I'm trying to tell you that SJ is Sen—"

"--Harri, Shhh!" she says firmly as Mr Grayson walks across the stage.

I swear to god. I love Jazz but sometimes I could strangle her and bury her in a shallow grave. She's so inward thinking. How does she not get that I am trying to tell her that SJ is Senna Jager? And therefore Jackson is Jaxon?

The School Captain hands Grayson a microphone which he tests by tapping the top with his hand. It makes a dull doof doof noise as it echoes through the auditorium speakers. We all brace from the inevitable high pitched feedback which comes a moment later. I look at Jazz's face which contorts with the sound.

"Thank you for coming," he starts.

"Like we had a choice," the rude girl to my right mutters to her friends with an eye roll. They, of course, all giggle in response.

Grayson clears his throat. "Ladies and gents. Boys and girls...Today we have an extra special treat. Two of my former students asked me for a favour and you know me, I'm always willing to help a student out," he chuckles nervously. Pretty much the entire room groans, as he continues, "Well they brought with them a few friends."

The room starts to buzz with whispers. The girl next to sniggers, "it's probably some lame-ass chemistry guy. Or like a magician or something equally as dumb."

I'm nervous.  My hands are sweaty. I wipe them on my pants, before tucking them under my legs which I hope not only keeps them dry but stops me slapping her.

"Harri, it's them! It's really them. I told you they were here," Jazz whispers excitedly. Her legs jittering making the whole bench wobble.

"Yes you did, Jazz," I grunt. My mouth suddenly dry.

"Okay that's enough from me," Grayson says interrupting the chatter and the moaning. "Please welcome, Gate Thirty Four!"

There is a good ten seconds or so before anyone makes any noise. Like they're in some sort of shock while they process what has just been said. I look to the girl on my right whose mouth has dropped open. She starts to fan herself with her hands while squeaking, "oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh," over and over again.

As five figures emerge from behind the thick red curtain at the back of the stage my ears are met with screams louder than I ever thought humanly possible. I look to my left to see Jazz screaming. I look to my right to see the rude girl losing her mind. I look to the girls in front of me. They're also screaming. Some of them are hyperventilating.

I even spot Cleo amung them. Tears streaming down her face.

Me. I'm numb. I sit there. Quiet. Unmoving.

I start to panic. What is going on? What is going to happen? An hour ago I was in class professing my love for SJ over a text, which he ignored and now here he is, at my school. I can't process this. Is he here to publically humiliate me? I bet that's it. Shiitake, I think I'm going to vomit.

A voice sounds through the speakers, "hi everyone!" I think it's Rafa. Or is that Luca? I can't tell. What's the deal with twins anyway?

Cue more screams.

My breath hitches as they walk in a line to the front of the stage. I know they're all there but my eyes are glued to SJ as he struts forward. He darks curls bouncing with every step. His green eyes piercing even from this distance.

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