A girl can dream

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Harri's POV

I stir my drink with my straw making sure to swirl the syrup colours together into until it looks like a rainbow. I try hard but can't conceal the smile I've had plastered across my face since last night.

"When did we swap personalities?" Jazz asks from across the table.

"I don't know what you mean?"

She looks up at me and smirks. "Oh really? Well here I am all quiet and sad, and there you are all... all giddy."

I try to contain my laughter, "well, I must say that's the first time I've been described as giddy."

She raises her left brow. "Yes. Well, you are. And I want to know why. Or should I guess?"

"Go on then..." I tease.

"Hmmm does this have something to do with a certain private message chat with a mysterious long-haired boy called SJ?"

"Ummm no," I lie.

"Don't lie, H. The last time I saw you this happy was when you got accepted to the Summer art program."

"I didn't lie. Well not exactly. We weren't private messaging. We were texting....."

She throws her arms into the air knocking her plastic cup almost spilling her drink. "You gave him your number? Did he ask or did you? What did he say? What did you say? I need details girl!!!"

I half choke on my drink. I knew she'd be excited but I wasn't expecting this. "Woah, calm down crazy women. It was just a few texts. Well, a few more than a few."

I fill Jazz in on all the details as we make our way to school. She is so engrossed in the story that she seems to have to forgotten all about her Dad. "Ah, young love," she sings opening her arms outwardly like she's about to hug someone before twirling on the spot. "Don't you just love it?"

"Yeah, sure Jazz. Don't get ahead of yourself."

"I'm not, but don't tell me you don't at least have a crush on him," she says, still twirling.

I'm not ready to admit that just yet, I mean I don't even know him. "Well, I like talking to him."

She stops twirling, grabs onto my arm and steadies herself. "And he makes you smile. I mean it's basically love!"

"Shut up you idiot!"

She laughs, "hey, that's no way to speak to your bestie."

"It is when your bestie is being..." I pause to think of a food-based F-word to replace what I really want to say, "when your bestie is being a frappe. Now, what's it's going to take to get you off my back?" I ask.

"Well maybe if I had a little distraction I wouldn't be so emotionally invested in your non-existent, existent relationship."

"Oh right. So all I need to do is find you a boy?"

She gives me a cheeky smile. "Well, your brother is single, right?"

My jaw tightens.

"Relax, H. I'm just joking". Her hands go up in the air in protest. "What about your boy's friend. What was his name, Jackson? Got any pics? Maybe we could double."

I shake my head. "You're trouble, girl."

"Ok, well looks like I'm gonna have to hold out until Jax hears my subliminal messages and comes to Chapledown to sweep me off my feet."

"You might be waiting a while," I add as we make our way to our first class.

"A girl can dream, Harri. A girl can dream."

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