Wanna see the sun rise?

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Senna's POV

Forty minutes later all four of us are sitting in Jax's white Range Rover. As I reverse out of the bay Jazz pipes up from the backseat, "if this is your car Jackson, why aren't you driving?"

It is the rule with us, if we're in the car Jax doesn't drive. Not just Jax and I, but Beckett and the twins too. I mean he's not just a bad driver. He is a terrible driver. He has broken pretty much everything with a motor that he's ever driven and he has hit just about everything that there is to hit. Poles, signs and even the occasional paparazzi.

The amount of times on set for music videos that he's destroyed the props is uncanny. There have been cars, bikes, scooters and a golf buggy. all reduced to scrap metal. The only thing he seems to have any skill with is a skateboard, but then again it has no motor.

The last straw was when we were on the twins farm just before we left for this tour and he almost drove their tractor straight through their horse stable. God only knows how, I mean the tractor barely moves. We were just lucky that he took out the hay bales first, stopping it before it managed to any major damage. Still we had to borrow the neighbours tractor to tow their tractor out. After that we made it a rule that Jax is only allowed to drive when he is on his own. That way he is only a danger to himself and hay bales. At one stage I was seriously tempted to have Zander add it to our tour agreement.

"Ah, no reason. Just that SJ likes to drive,"Jax lies, shooting me a side glance from the passenger seat warning me not to say anything about his driving history.

"Why aren't we taking his car then?" she prods, clearly not happy with his explanation.

I pull the car out onto the road and open the sunroof letting the cool air in. "My car isn't made for four people."

"It's true, Jazz," Harri confirms from the seat directly behind me.

I look in the rear vision mirror as she says this. She looks up and catches me, and I make no effort to look away instead I smile and earn myself one from her in return.

Jazz hums and looks out the window into the blackness of the night, seemingly content with the answer.

"So who is up for a little adventure?" Jax teases as we hit the freeway.

"What else is there to do at 3am, but be adventurous?" Jazz says cheerily, moving her eyes back towards the front.

I see the corners of Jax's mouth turn up, "my kind of girl," he mutters under his breath. There is no reaction from the back so I doubt that Jazz heard him.

She unbuckles her seatbelt and scoots into the middle seat resting her elbows on the armrest between Jax and myself. "Turn up the tunes!"

"What do you want to listen to?" I ask reaching to turn on the stereo.

"Got any Gate Thirty Four?"

Harri grunts audibly from behind me, "Seriously Jazz. Can we listen to something else?"

"What like your precious Nirvana? No thanks!" Jazz says shutting down Harri's objection.

"Not a fan, huh Harri?" Jax questions with a raised brow and a knowing smirk.

Harri takes a deep breath, "they're fine it's just she is obsessed."

"I am not!" Jazz protests. Harri doesn't answer instead shakes her head, her black hair hitting her cheeks as if she knows that arguing is futile. "I just appreciate their music," Jazz justifies.

"And the way that Jax guy looks in a pair of jeans doesn't have anything to do with it?" Harri counters dryly.

Jazz laughs. From her perched position on the arm rest the noise travels straight to my ear drum. "No, that is just a bonus."

Secret Identity (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora