One Person Knows- Edited

Start from the beginning

“Shut up.”  His barely I’m awake voice was so cute and adorable.  He kissed my forehead and pulled me closer to him.  I placed my head on his shoulder still looking at him, he was trying to fell back asleep, but I wasn’t tired any more.  I was awake, I poked his nose and it did that little twitch thing.  I giggled.  A slight smile appeared on his face. 

“Rachel, what are you doing?”

“Poking you.”


“Because I cannot fall back asleep, your friend or whoever was at the door, woke me up.”

“I’m sorry, but could you at least try.”

“Yeah, okay.”

I closed my eyes, and waited, but nothing.  I opened my eyes and looked up at him again. 

“Derek.”  I whispered into his ear, and nibbled his ear.

A small growl came from him, I could even feel it rumble through his chest.  He rolled over, and also pinning me under him.  “Hey!”

“Sssshhhh.”  He kissed me, gently at first, but then, he deepened the kiss.  I pushed him away.  “Stop that.”

“Stop what?”

“You know what.”

In response I received another kiss.  He moved to my neck, and then back to my lips, and eventually, pulling away.  I wrapped my arms around him and held him to me, I didn’t want him to go anywhere.  He wrapped his arms underneath me, but was also managing to hold himself up, so that he wouldn’t crush me.  I kissed his neck and then let him go.  He pulled away, but did not move from hovering over me.  He kissed my nose then laid down next to me on his side, placing one arm over my stomach.  I smiled at him, and placed my hand on his arm.  Running my fingers up and down his arm slowly.  He smiled and kissed my nose again.  I let out a small giggle, when his door flew opened, and in the door way stood a man.  He stepped in and the light coming through the window allowed me to see his face.  I sat up quickly and backed up hitting the head board, I couldn’t go anywhere.  I looked over at Derek who sat up just as fast, or faster, he glared daggers at the man in the door way.  I tried to move behind Derek, trying to put between me and the man. 

He was the one.  He killed Meg in my dream, and he killed me.  A whine left my body without my wanting it to.  Causing Derek to stick his arm out in front of me and then pushing me back behind him with it.  A growl left his lips, although this time it was more of a snarl.  It made me afraid, but I knew he was protecting me, that and he was mad.

“Well, what do we have here?  Sleeping with the slave girl.  Is she any good?”

A snarl left him.  “She’s mine.”

“Don’t want to share this one, that’s not very friendly of you Derek.  Come on just one taste.” He stepped towards us.

Enslaved to the vampire Prince and Falling In Love.  What!!!Where stories live. Discover now