14. Middle Fingers Up

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I did not sign up to be a fucking babysitter for a teenage boy. He is almost eighteen he should be able to take care of himself. What the hell am I even doing?! He is an adult and he should tell this stalker girl to leave him alone like an adult would.

I shut the car off in front of my house and open the back door. He falls onto the street and I huff. "You were supposed to be laying across the seat, not waiting for me to open the damn door." I wrap my arms around his abdomen and try to lift him. "You have to help me here, Booker." I groan.

He stands on his feet and I wrap one of his arms around my shoulders. We stumble inside and he plops on the couch. "No!" I groan and let out a frustrated noise. "Upstairs Booker!" I demand and point to the stairs. He groans but doesn't move. "NOW!" I shout so it gives him a headache.

He groans and complains about it but he is drunk and slurring so I don't understand half of it. He crawls upstairs and heads towards Cyrus' room.

"Other way!" I shout and he immediately turns around and walks towards my room. I walk into the kitchen and put the tea pot on the stove. I turn on the stove and grab Advil from the top shelf and pour out two.

I warm up some milk in the microwave and walk upstairs to Booker. I set the milk and Advil on the nightstand next to my bed. Booker lays there holding on to my teddy bear, curled in a ball, with his eyes closed.

I yank the teddy bear away from him and replace the emptiness with a pillow. I put the teddy bear in the closet, away from the outer world and lock it when it's closed. I stuff the key back in my pocket and walk out of the room.

I take the pot off the stove once it starts screaming. I pour some hot water into a tea mug as the front door opens.


"Hey Kaplan." Oh so my dad was drunk too. Cyrus walked in a little while after and immediately ran upstairs. I ignored my dad and ran after her. Her door was locked so I banged on it once.

"Cyrus open the door." I said quietly so Booger wouldn't need a reason to show his disgusting face. She opens the door and yanks me in by my arm. "Why are you acting like this?" I ask once I'm inside.

"He touched me." She paces back and forth. "It wasn't a friendly, 'haven't seen you in a year', it was a 'get in my bed' kind of touch. He shouldn't have touched me like that, maybe it was an accident. Maybe he was-"

"Cyrus, stop!" I interrupted her breathless rambling. "What are you talking about?" I rubbed my temples to try and rid this headache.

"You know how I don't talk to anyone?" I nod once. "I didn't talk to him so he rubbed my waist to say his hello? Something like that? Anyways, I told him to stop and he laughed and did it again." She held one hand on her butt.

"Who Cyrus? Who 'touched you'?" I am so confused. She made it sound like some one raped her or some shit.

"Jacob. He was at the dance and found me." I groaned and marched out of Cyrus' room, into my own. Booker was laying with his head at the foot of the mattress. One leg was dangling over the edge. His mouth was opened with his hand completely out in the open.

I had so many opportunities to screw with him. I think I'm going with the ultimate one. I shoved a sock in his mouth when I slapped his dick. He bit on the sock and a little bit of my finger when he curled in a ball.


"What the hell . . . did you do that for?" I sound like a demon. My head was spinning but all I could focus on is the throbbing that is happening on my crotch. Kaplan glared at me with her hands on her hips.

"Your little brother isn't here so I took it out on you." She shrugged. I furrow my eyebrows at her. I groan again but Kaplan shushes me. I look around and notice that I'm not in my room.

"Wait . .. where am I Kaplan?" I want to be smart and ask her if this is the slaughterhouse she takes every guy too after she sucks the life out of them. She chops them up into little pieces and feeds them to the plants.

"Your dumbass got drunk." She hands me a glass of milk. I burn myself a bit and Kaplan chuckles as she rolls her eyes.

"I don't even remember drinking." I rub my head and Kaplan shrugs before she walks out of the room. She walks back in and tosses me a pair of black sweats.

"Shower is in there." I stand up and walk to the bathroom that she pointed at. Her hand rests on my chest in a stopping way. "Don't be weird." She looks up at me. I chuckle and walk in the bathroom. I turn on the water and take off my suit jacket. I undo the tie and unbutton the shirt.

I glance at all of the body washes, perfumes, hair products, and deodorant that is lying on the sink. I sniff the cap of the perfume and nod in approval.

I think that's what she meant by 'Don't be weird'.

I undid my pants and hobbled into the shower. I still felt dizzy and everything was hazy but I felt like I was sobering up a bit. I yanked the bandana off my head.

I just don't remember taking a drink. I remember the punch that I had at the very beginning but that didn't have alcohol. I would have smelled it, let alone tasted it.

I clean all over with only a few hiccups and some stumbling. I get out and wrap a towel around my body like a woman. I wrap my hair in the towel and walk out to see Kaplan in gym shorts and a sweat shirt.

She was wearing glasses while reading a book. Her hair was to the side in a braid and it actually looked really nice. She looked up at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"I must be a lesbian." She says before taking off her glasses and shutting her book. I look at her confused as she walks to shut her bedroom door. "Because you look like a fucking woman." She grabs a pair of sweats and tosses them at me.

She walks into the bathroom and grabs my clothes. She tells me to stay quiet before she walks out of the room. I turn around and see her red dress on the desk chair.

"I put your clothes in the wash." I nod once. "Good night." She sighed and walked out of the room. I looked around awkwardly and plopped face first on her bed.

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