Fifty-One : Listen To Me

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"Get me Therryn. "I demanded as Luna quickly gave me the wand.

Luna was extremely worried as the healing potion did not work for Gobin. I remembered Gobin once told me Therryn's tear could save a person's live, therefore I'm going to try it on him.

I patted her lovingly and asked for the tear, "Therryn, Gobin's dying already, would you please just do me this favor? "I held the tube towards the corner of her eye.

She grunted softly and moved towards Gobin. She bowed her head a little and the crystal clear precious tear rolled down from her eye and fell directly into Gobin's mouth.

I watched as the magic did its work, slowly, Gobin's pale face became pinkish again and Luna leaned in to find out Gobin's weak heart beat started to pound again. She smiled with joyful tears, "Oh god, thank you Therryn. "She caressed her with a sweet smile.

As Luna sent Gobin back to the room to rest, Max came into my sight.

"Can we talk? "He touched my hand and held it with sincerity.

"Sure. "I pulled away and gestured out to the garden.

We sat down by the swing and he smiled, "Remember the night we sat on the swing and I asked you to go to the woods with me? "

I nodded without looking at him.

"Back when I was still a coward who only listen to father's orders. "He spoke emotionally.

I nodded again, slowly.

He gave out a long sigh, did not know what to react.

"I didn't mean to betray you when you wanted to run away with me, do you know? It was just a drama I came up with just to—"He explained but I cut off, "Don't." I placed my finger on his pink lips and signaling him to stop but he refused to, "Please, believe me. "His hand found mine and he was freezingly cold.

I knew his intentions for sending me away and staying, I figured it out. He wanted to earn Michael's trust back so that everything would still fall back into his control. It was also childish for me to have thought about running away instead of solving the problem.

I put my other hand on his to give him warmth, "Max, if I don't, why would I care about you? I could've just let you go in Hovles Tower. "

He tried to comprehend my words and said, "No, listen to me. "He tried to focus on me.

My eyes traveled from our hands to his hazel brown eyes, studying them carefully while waiting for him to speak.

"I want you to listen to me. "With his hand firmly holding my as if I would leave in any second and another on my cheek, "Please. "

I nodded softly, "Say whatever you want. "I caressed his cheek and his expression softened immediately.

"Violet, I love you. "Max spoke carefully in a gentle tone, "Forgive me and be mine, please? "His hands were shaky as he tried to speak.

I stunned, finding myself drowning silently in his eyes. It was to be a happy news but I found my heart aching as if lightning struck on me and making me tear up.

He quickly wiped my tears, "What's wrong, love? "

My tears rolled down uncontrollably and I managed to pull myself out of my current emotional state. "Nothing. It just reminded me of the last time you said it was when I had my heart steeled to leave you. "

"Forget about that time, I was an ungrateful beast. I don't deserve you. "He looked down in a pathetic tone.

"So you think you deserve me now? "I blurted, breaking the down-curved lips into an up-curved smile.

Her Name is VioletWhere stories live. Discover now