Thirty-Nine : Noah the Sergeant

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Dan's POV

As much as I wanted to deny, I had to admit. Emily's distracting me all the time.

I was at the army's site, examining the soldiers progress until I saw someone running to me, heavy breathing and panting like he had just finished a marathon and said, "General, there's a girl called Emily wants to see you at the rest house. "

My lip twitched and I was bothered. Before I made my move, Noah, my closest friend and also the head of the army then demanded, "What is a girl like her doing here? "

"I had no idea, Sergeant Noah. She was so determined to see General and never stopped disturbing the army's training. "The young man replied innocently.

"I'll handle it."I said, turning on my heels, leaving them behind. I could hear Noah still asking the guy, "Is that the one has been rumored a lot with General? " And I could barely heard the guy replied, "Not sure. "

I tighten my fist and took a deep breathe. I pushed the door open and entered. There, Emily, sitting at her seat with a basket on her lap, satisfyingly smiled at me. She adjusted her hat on her head and stood up, handing me over the basket with her signature smile.

"What's that?" I asked, with hands still shoved in my pockets.

"Cookies! "She said cheerfully, "I'm afraid that you've starved yourself since you aren't home these days. "

Oh lord. I was away and hiding here just to avoid her but she came all the way here just to check up on me. Did she really need me to clarify the reason I wasn't in the palace? Please, enough with the fights and awkward situations between the three of us, which including Luna.

Luna had given me that unpleasing face since Violet has gone.

It was not like I sent her away?

"I'm very fine here, Em. Share that to the army's and go back as soon as possible as it's dangerous here." I said, heading towards the door.

"Dan, "She quickly stopped me, "Can we talk? "

I stunned for a moment. "What do we have to talk about? "

"Are you avoiding me? "She cut to chase right away.

"N-no. Definitely not. "I spoke as she stared at me just like how Luna gave me the dead glare whenever I did something wrong, "Look, Em, I'm not as free as you think, alright? Sola War is coming in months and all the army's are working very hard on it. Me either. So keep yourself safe in the palace and don't go anywhere for Christ's sake, okay? "

She bit her lip and came near to me, "Dan, I'm sorry. "She circled her arms on my waist and said, "I miss you. I just want to tell you that. "

I pulled myself away and held her by her sides, "Em, we can't be something more than friends. You know that I've had my eyes on Violet. "

She shook her head and insisted, "Not Violet again. Tell me you do like me, don't you? "

I let go of her and said in a serious tone, "I thought we'd agreed that the night was a mistake. "

"No, "She begun to tear up, "I like you, Dan, I could spend all my time on you, I could be so crazy about you, I could just do anything for you. Can't you see I'm the one, the human, that you've been looking for? "

I held my forehead as my head ached listening to her, "Stop saying all those. "

"You have to open your eyes wider and see, just look at me! "She held my cheeks and I'm forced to look at her, "You don't know that I've fallen for you since the day we met in Marewell. Although most of the times you've been wandering around Violet, but I'm glad, I could still be friends with you. Now, I want you to see the truth clearly, that Violet has already in love with the Wolves Prince, and not you, Dan, the one who's been there for you is actually me. It's me, Dan, I'm the one." Her grip was strong but so do mine. I pushed her away and disliked all the words coming out from her mouth.

What she said might seem to be as well as the truth but I promised to love Violet and even in front of Max whom I didn't know if he was still alive. All the things Emily said, how I wished it was Violet who had the same thoughts. Because, I had my eyes attracted to hers the first time we met. It's no way that Violet had never felt the sparks, it's no way Violet couldn't feel my sincerity.

"You couldn't change me. I have already given Violet my heart the first time we met. And I swore, nothing's, going to change me. "My jaw clenched as I spoke and I could see Emily's mouth dropped.

"Why?? "Emily managed to squeeze the word out her throat after some time.

"No why. Even if you have successfully got my eyes on you, but I'd still rather die with my heart in Violet's hands. I have made my promise, and that's the last thing I would say to all your further objections. "I turned to hold the doorknob as she fell onto the floor, heartbreaking.

It was the first ever time I heard the cheerful Emily crying and breaking down. I might seemed to be the gentleman who's going to comfort her but no, I'm going to leave her to get sober and rearrange her mind.

I said softly before exiting, "I'm sorry, Em. We could still be friends. "

I let go off the doorknob as soon as it was shut.

I could still hear her screaming and shouting her lungs out in such a mad way, sooner or later, I heard soft hit on the door continuously and I instantly understood she was throwing the palm sized cookies on the door.

There were falling of pieces of cookies sound as soon as it fell onto the floor, nevertheless the cracking sound of cookies. She shouted something I could still manage to hear, "I want you to see how you break my heart just like these cookies! "

I shook my head and turned around to meet Noah, surprisingly.

"Wow, General. I have never knew that there could be such a mad lady to be so crazily obsessed with you. "He said, in an amused tone.

"Noah, you're here to joke with a mess I just faced with? "I put my hand on his shoulders as we began to walk away from the rest house.

"Not really but why is that hard to accept a girl like her? She's pretty and also nice, I remember. "He asked.

"What do you mean by pretty and nice? "I looked at him, confused,"You just heard about her a moment ago. And that attitude of disturbing my army's training is enough to give you a bad impression about her. "

"No, General. "He shook his head laughing, "You've forgotten I was sent as a bodyguard with you during the period of you going to Marewell. Although I was just guarding you at the corner, I could see how Emily looks at you whenever you're around. It's just that you were to concentrate on getting Ms. Goth's attention everytime. "

I raised an eyebrow at him, "And how do you define this as 'nice'? Hm? "

"I'll follow her whenever you had to do your missions with her, and I found her always go to the charity's booth and check up on the fund raising progress for the orphans. After that she would always hide in the library and does her studies or read whatever she finds interesting. She always help others whenever they are having difficulties. Something I found adorable was that, she always go to the Lake of Wishes and make her wish silently. She believed the lake could grant people's wishes just like the other students. And the most important part was her wish, it is you, General. "He talked like a grandmother in her late 80s and smiled sweetly when he mentioned words like 'adorable'.

I titled my head at a side and crossed my arms amusingly. "Hey Noah. "

He stopped babbling and looked at me, "Yes General? Changing your thoughts for her already? "

"No, not for her but for you. "I chuckled, "You like her, don't you? "

His face went blank like a piece of paper, "Wh-wha, no! "

"Come on, Noah, "I gripped his arm, "I give you the permission to comfort her, alright? Now go do what you have to do. "I shoved him back.

"General! "He stumbled for a second with a terrified expression.

"Orders are orders, Noah!"I declared back and turned to walk away leaving him standing there, looking dumbstruck.

Perhaps, Emily's live would not be threatened anymore since Michael and Victoria had already got what they want. It was also the time to send her back.

Please forget me, Emily.

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