Thirty-One: Cookie Date

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I hoped it's just Luna's own thoughts.

She kept complaining about Emily's presence around the palace. She had a bad feeling that Emily would cause something bad to Violet. But what could a human does? In fact, Emily was Violet's only best friend, she wouldn't do anything that could hurt her.

"No, "Luna said, while walking up the stairs with me, "I had a bad feeling. You know, sixth sense? She's not a simple-brained human. "

"Luna, how many times do you need me to tell you that she's not? "I shook my head.

"Not what? How well do you know her? "Her brows twisted in disagreement.

"Because Violet trust her, and that's why I trust her too. "I said, confidently.

"Violet is naive, but you don't! How could you say something such ridiculous? "She stopped when she noticed Violet and Emily walking towards us.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness." Emily smiled sweetly while greeting us.

"Gobin and I have training practice this afternoon, Dan, do you mind accompanying Em today? "Violet said, neutrally.

Luna shot me a quick glare and whispered, "You know what to do. "

"Yeah, sure, sure. I'm free today. "I replied, nodding at Luna whose eyes locked at mine deadly.

She walked away, and I sighed softly. I knew what Luna meant, she wanted me to make Emily leave. What could I do? Tell her straight away? No! It would hurt her.

Maybe, perhaps, a talk?

I bet she would questioned a lot, even asked what mistake did she do. And I would be doing the evil job, telling her that it's not suitable for her to live here to hide the truth of Luna's worry.

"Good. Thanks, Dan. See y'all. "Violet's voice pulled me back to reality and my attention fell on Emily who was standing infront of me, waiting for me to respond.

"See you. "I said, shoving my hands into the pockets.

"So, "Emily said, "What's our plan today? "

She seemed excited as if I was the tourist of the day.

"Emily, I'm not taking you to tour the palace. I have important things to do too. Uh, what about, I send my servant to serve you? There are quite a few interesting entertainments around the palace." I forced a smile, refusing to face the reality.

Her lips twitched, followed by a dissapointed tone, "But, I thought we're friends. We should have a good talk to pick up where we left. "

"Emily... "I spoke while she looked at me even sadder, and I changed my decision instantly, well, just didn't want Violet to blame me afterwards.
"Alright we'll go visit Violet to support her during training, what about that? "

"Uh, sure! "She smiled joyfully again, just like a child.

We took a walk at the garden afterwards and she told me a lot of stories, including her past, her childhood.

She was so cheerful all the time. It made me forget the problems and stress I was having. Her actions her personality even convinced me that she was not like how Luna described.

She was powerless and I believed she's a loyal friend to Violet.

It just made things go even difficult, I couldn't think of any reasons to talk her to leave.

"Dan?? "Emily tapped my hand, "Are you listening? "

"Yeah, I am. "I smiled.

"It's great to have you as my friend. "She said, cheeks blushing.

"You too. "I said, sincerely.

"Why would you fake your identity to study at Marewell?" She looked at me with her big round eyes.

"To get to know Violet. "I scratched my head.

"Why? "She continued. "Do you like her? "

"I guess so. She's beyond beautiful, something about her caught my eyes the first time we met. "My lips curved up and I felt myself like an idiot.

"Did you tell her? "She asked, politely.

"No. But she knows. "I nodded, thinking about all the things Violet and I had went through together.

"Why not? "She looked confused.

"I was, afraid. "

"Afraid of what? Get rejected? "

"Afraid she's not the one. Although we had gone through ups and downs together, she has her eyes for someone else, someone, who hurts her before. "I felt so dissapointed.

"Who was that? I've never heard of her telling about someone she loves. Unless, the prince she met at Heavest? "She said, while handing me her handkerchief, "Take it, it's okay to tear up, they ease your pain. "

I was, about to cry. But I wasn't that weak. I just smiled and shook my head. "Thanks Emily, I'm fine. "

"You could talk to me. I would always listen, if Violet couldn't be the one. "She folded her handkerchief and glanced at me.

I was surprised that there were still someone who would listen, who cared for me. How I wish it was Violet, who was telling me all these, that she cared.

"Let's see how Violet's doing? "I stood up, wanted to forget about the conversation.

"Are you sure? Let's order a servant to tell Violet we're not going already. I have a plan to spend our time today." She looked up to me, confidently.

I knew Emily just didn't want me to feel hurt when we saw her. Perhaps she really had a way to help me forget my pain.

"Sounds great, where we heading to? "I asked.

"The kitchen. I'm going to teach the prince how to bake the nicest and most delicious cookies. "She said, proudly.

"Why baking? "I followed her back into the palace.

"Violet likes my cookies. I could teach you how to get her heart with these cookies. "She joked.

I laughed.

"Emily, "I tapped her shoulder.

"Yes? "She swung her head towards me.

"You're so cute. "I said while chuckling softly.

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