Seven : The Beginning of A Friendship

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( Hey Guys! Thank you so so much if you're still reading my story. I know, it sucks anyway. But I'll improve, so please do let me know what do you think about it! please!! )

'You see that?' I was amazed.

'Yeah.. I saw. Everything.' Joseph answered.

'She was beyond beautiful.' I didn't know why did I say that, it just came from my heart to my mouth.

'I saw that you were staring at her and she was kind of annoyed and her brows were creased before she left. ' Joseph said innocently.

'No I wasn't talking about that! You know...' I was trying to tell Joseph what I felt until I saw my sister, wearing black, standing beside the gate which was visible from the window of the canteen. Oh, she's here.

'Look, Dan, I have to go now. And before that, you are seriously insane too.' He said, before going off, 'And didn't your mother tell you its even insane if a Wolf and a Rivan could be friends?'


If it's possible, I would just ask Gobin to cast a spell on her. Things would be easier for me.

'Dan,' Luna tapped on my shoulder when we're walking in the palace.'How's today?'

'I didn't manage to see her looks.' I felt dissapointed.

'Dan, you don't have much time left.' She said, walking up the stairs.

'Why?' I was confused.

'Because, the Wolves are holding a huge festive dinner soon. According to their tradition, all royals must attend as well. In this case, Michael will be bringing Victoria.'

'What does it have to do with Violet?'

Luna stopped walking and turned to me. 'So, Violet will be going too. And, my sixth sense is telling me that Violet is going to be in danger.'

I didn't know it's much more tougher and complicated than I thought. I planned to take longer time to make things fall into places by themselves but time was running. Dan, you're running late.

The second day, before class, I quickly had a meet up with Joseph. I asked him a lot about Violet. He told me not to bother but I still managed to make him tell. It was surprising because he knew quite much about Violet. Based on what he had told me, I knew a few things about Violet, she didn't like to talk much. She had only a friend, Emily. She had a strange hobby, collecting old articles.

What kind of articles? Joseph didn't know.

One daily routine Violet would do was going to the recycle station to get some old newspapers. After that, she would definitely go through it quickly and cropped the articles that attracted her attention.

Joseph called her weird after he knew she had this hobby. But to me, I didn't think it's weird nor extraordinary. In fact, I used to know that these people would probably have sort of unsolvable knots in their heart that they wanted to solve for long time.

I guessed, she was probably looking for the news about her father's death after years. Or, she might be looking for clues in the old articles about the Wolves.

I did not just merely guessed, I heard a little from Gobin and I had made my decision to find out everything by myself.

The lessons were boring enough. I thought it had been a decade.

Until the bell rang, I quickly requested Joseph to bring me to her. Although he showed me who's violet but I insisted for his company and he refused to help me at all. Then, something came across my mind.

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