Eleven: The Wolves' Hope

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* Long chapter ahead! *

Max's POV

"Come on," I said, breaking the freezing atmosphere. "You must be hungry right? Follow me. "

I walked to the hallway and she didn't move an inch. I took a good glance at her, she was wearing a long black coloured sleeveless dress and a hat with birdcage veil covering half of her face. She looked incredibly beautiful, but something wasn't right, and it was shown on her face.

"Why? " I asked.

She looked like a little girl, standing there, holding both her arms, looking insecure.

"You're cold? " I asked again.

She lifted up her head and looked at me. I could feel that she wasn't feeling comfortable here. Her eyes were glowing hopelessly with signs like I would eat her up and dump her bones away. Sorry about that, but it's common sense for us to think so. It's obvious she didn't feel alright anyway.

I took away my dark grey coat and gave it to her. She was still staring at me as if I was giving her a knife with blood dripping off.

I put it on her and accidentally touched her arm, she was so cold, she was shivering!

"How did you stand that temperature? " I looked at her surprisingly, forgotten how cold it is up at Heavest Hill for non-wolves.

"I don't know, but like what y'all said, I'm a half, maybe that's why my heart's still beating. " She shrugged.

"I thought you are uncomfortable with the surroundings. " I felt relieved.

"Oh yes I am. Could you please show me my room? And I could rest ealier? It's late now. " She yawned and smiled like a little girl, unaware of talking to a wolf like me.

"Uh yeah of course, it's... late now. "I repeated her words and acted considerate. The night had just started, for wolves, it should be the time to party. "So you don't want to get something to eat? "

"No. " She looked tired.

"Okay, " I pinched my nose and said, "Then I'll show you your room."

"Thank you. " She said, politely.

She followed behind and I couldn't stop asking myself why didn't she act nervous or frightened because of being in a Wolves Kingdom. I really had that strong urge to ask but I was also stuck between do or not to do because her innocence and that open attitude made me felt warm again for so many years later.

I remembered talking to a girl like her when I was 8. That was like, 9 years ago. I clearly remembered it was at a funeral. A man's funeral. Why did I attend that funeral? The girl's father's funeral, I think?

Uh my memory!

My fist was getting tighter and I didn't realize my brows were creasing. I hate to recall things a lot. Blood rushing in my veins and I couldn't remember who the girl was. I hate myself. She was the one I didn't forget all the time. I could even remember her sunshine smile, she was, beyond beautiful and attractive. What was her name again??

I sighed. We were only kids but, she gave me such a good memory. Her blurry image slowly printing out in my mind, her teal blue eyes and more. I still dreamt about her sometimes, even in my sleepless nights.

I stopped right at the staircase and her head hit my back from behind.

"Ouch, I'm sorry, " She quickly apologized, "Why did you stop? "

I came back with senses and shook my head. "Just thinking of something. "

I continued and walked to her room.

Her Name is VioletWhere stories live. Discover now