Forty-Seven : Hovles Tower

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Long Chapter

We walked for a distance and came to the end of the road, which was a huge cliff. At the opposite of us, was where the Hovles Tower located.

I looked around and Dan pulled my sleeve, "Look here! The bridge! "

I gazed at his direction and saw a long precarious capilano suspension bridge hanging from where we were to the opposite of us. The only, bridge, to the opposite.

"Let's go, "I pulled him together with me, without hesitation, we stepped on the light swinging bridge.

"Should we really cross it? "He pulled me backwards, looking at the darkness beneath the bridge.

"If you find another way? "I said in an annoyed tone.

"You have magic, young lady. "Dan said.

I blinked once and twice. I stared at him, "You know, I can't use my magic in this unique forest. " I glanced around our surroundings.

His eyes were still on me, brows squeezed, "Then, what are we waiting for? "

"Waiting for the timid Dan. "I rolled my eyes and ran on the bridge, making it swing even harder.

"Please! Violet! "He cursed as he almost fell down.

The bridge was unexpectedly longish and giving us a feeling as if it was going to snap into half when we're at the middle of the bridge.

I made my pace slower when I accidentally stolen a look beneath me. The poor unstable fragile wood pieces that lined up unorderly to form a narrow way to the opposite cliff was merely unconvincing that we could make it through safely. I had no idea what kind of living things were under there and before I got caught in these unknown creatures' hands, I'd be already frightened to death by falling from such great height.

I gripped on the thin hempen rope on my sides as I forwarded.

A huge crowd suddenly appeared behind us when we're almost reached. The black and white army had came. Some of them were fighting and squeezing themselves onto the narrow bridge, some of them were glaring at us, while some of them fell off the cliff after struggling. I panicked as I called Dan who was a few steps behind me, overcoming his fear, he tried his best to walk to me as quick as he could.

"Dan! You okay? "I asked.

"Of course! Just get going Violet, don't have to worry about me! "He gestured me to go.

I bit my lip as the bridge became even shakier. Some of them had already stepped onto the bridge. I glanced at Dan who stopped at his way and turned to face the army, he drew his sword out bravely to prepare himself from the black armored ones.

I slapped my forehead and rebuked, "What do you think you're doing? You're going to die at the middle of the bridge! Just run!"

He shouted back at me, "Go Violet! Just go without me! "

"Shut up Dan! I would not—"

"Like you said, we're on different paths, you shouldn't wait for someone isn't going to appear, not to mention an enemy like me! " He interrupted with a reprimanding voice.

My face twisted in guilt but I knew this journey without Isaac, it's going to be just me. I shouldn't wait for anyone else just like how he said.

I had to go.

I turned and ran to the opposite, within a few seconds, I made it. I quickly glanced behind just to see him fighting at the middle of the bridge, the bridge was shaking even stronger than before. I silently prayed, and I carried on with my journey.

Her Name is VioletOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz