Fourteen : The Three

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Max's POV

I woke up in fright.

The sun was shining brightly and fiercely from the balcony into the room, the doors were left opened and the wind's blowing the white curtains.
What time was it already?

I looked around the room again, trying to recognise where was I.

9 in the morning.

She was lying at the bed infront of me, deep in her dreams.

I stood up from the couch I've been resting for hours. I walked nearer to her and tried reading her features. She was beautiful. I gasped. In addition, she had an amazing heart, the definition of true beauty. But she wasn't a real wolf. She had Rivan's blood in her veins.

My forehead creased, my brows squeezed. Why? Why aren't you a wolf?

I stopped thinking and turned to leave the room to cut my thoughts.

I knew I could do something. Victoria, Michael and I had plans. We had already planned for so long for the Sola war. Revenge was indeed.

Everything's going to be fine, if you're with us, Violet.

Daniel's POV

I had already sent Mr Gobin a letter, a report of my observation at the Celebration of Wolves' hope.

Max, huh. I knew they would send him to be the representative instead of Isaac. Isaac must be feeling the same like me. Talented but not appreciated.

Isaac had weaker health, he's either always on his bed or the wheelchair. But years ago, he left the kingdom to somewhere else. Looking at your brother taking away what you deserved was really hurtful.
I shook away my thoughts on pitying Isaac. He's still a wolf, child of devil.

It's been a long time since I met Max. We grew up knowing each others as the enemy of life.

I was going to sneak into his mansion and planning on saving Violet away although it sounded pretty hilarious. I was standing right infront of the mansion, staring back at the two idiot-looking wolves, probably the guards.

Well I could just knock them off and walk in the mansion. Right?

I chuckled at my stupidity. This was the cave of a pack of wolves! It wasn't going to be easy.

I walked towards them and they slowly moved their hands to their riffles.

"Easy, man" I spoke, giving my both palms in the air.

"Who are you? "One of them growled loudly.

"I'm Max's friend. Just send my words to him. "I said, coldly.

Both of them looked at each other and laughed out loud.

"Why do you think that any anonymous come stating themselves as the Prince's friend could go in as they wish? "They laughed like pigs.

I kept quiet and swallowed my anger.

"Daniel Evans! " A loud and sarcastic voice rised from nowhere.

The atmosphere turned quiet in a second. Then, both of them turned to the man standing behind them.

His hands were in the pockets.
"How can I not welcome you on my own? " he laughed sarcastically.

I gave a bitter smile.

"Years, Dan, years! " We sat down in his office. "Where have you been hiding all the time?? "

"Hah. I'm living at the center of Pascille, what about you? Hiding in this cave on the mountain for years huh? " I took a sip on the coffee.

He looked at me with an uncomfortable face. His eyes then moved from me to the cup of coffee I was holding.

"Does it taste nice? " He gave me a surprised and worried look.

"Taste as bad as how you are right now. " I nodded seriously and followed by, "Kidding. "

We laughed out loud.

"I thought you'd gonna ask was I going to poison you. "He said.

"You want to kill me? Oh you won't use such low standard way to kill a legend. "I laughed, while putting the coffee away, "By the way, the legend of Pascille in the coming event. " I smiled.

His face was turning duller. I could sense the anger boiling in his stomach. How much he wanted to slice me into pieces right now.

"What about you be a little bit straightforward, and tell me what brought you here. " He stood up and walked to the window.

"Nice. Straightforward. Men are better in talking big business. " I continued, "I heard that there's a Rivan got kidnapped here, is it true? "

He laughed again. "I've got no half body of Rivan here. " He turned to me, "Such a shame Prince Evans got the wrong information? Wrong place, hero. "

"Wow, are you sure?" I crossed my arms. "Didn't Violet recognize a prey living with her? "

"Hm" He pinched his forehead, "You got a part wrong, Violet isn't a Rivan. "

"So you just admitted she's here? "

"Aw, why not, she's my guest! My lovely family-to-be who moved here. "

"Whatever you trying to story about, she had to go home, Max. She doesn't belong here, I hope you realize that. "

"Hahah! Dan you're so good in joking. Here, " He raised both his arms high and wide in the air, "Is her home. Forever and always. "

"Max, I hate to argue. This is not cool, not man. You clearly know her identity. " I said coldly.

"You're the one confused here too, Dan. " He then changed his tone lower and duller, "No one really knows her identity, but! Soon she's gonna be a wolf. And you'll witness it with your naked eyes." He laughed evilly.

I held my fist tightly and stood up, planning to swing it onto his ugly face.

But, this voice stopped me.

"What's happening here? I heard laughters from upstairs. " Violet stood in the doorway, looking sleepy and blank.

"She's here, my lovely Violet. " Max walked passed me and whispered into my ears.

Ugh! I couldn't stop raging anymore. He was definitely the devil sent from hell.

"Violet! Time to go home. "I stared at her and ordered at the back of Max when her eyes widened in shock realizing my presence.

"Dan... " She mumbled jaw-droppingly.

"How are you Violet? " Max walked closer to her and held her arm. She reacted quickly with an uncomfortable look.

"Why is Dan here? " She asked Max, pushing his hand away.

"You know him, Violet? "His eyebrows twisted.

"More than acquaintances. Answer my question. " Violet demanded.

"We had a talk, old friends conversation. Right, Dan?" He smirked.

"Yeah. Max suggested that you should go home already too, right Max? " I glared fiercely at him.

I walked closer to him and whispered in his face. "You don't want your people to know that you're keeping a girl with Rivan's genes too right. Imagine how scary the scene would be when they know? " I stared into his brown eyes with bloodshots.

"Well-played, Evans. " He glared back at me and pushed me backwards a little. "She will return here very soon. "

He turned to Violet who had a very confused look at us.

"He's right, Evans wants to spend some time with his new friend. " He turned and gave me a dead look.

"Leave before Victoria comes home. " He chuckled evilly and left the room.

Her Name is VioletWhere stories live. Discover now