One: Victoria

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Violet's POV

I was in my room, sitting on the elegant couch near to the window. I let out a sigh. It's 7 in the morning, yet I still couldn't sleep. I didn't know since when I started to have terrible sleepless nights, but all I knew was that I'm alone, every single night in this huge palace.

'Master?' someone knocked the door and said.

I slightly turned my head and looked at the shadow.

'Have you been sleepless again?' the shadow came closer and finally I got to see her clearer.

'Oh. It's nothing rare anymore.' I looked at her, the only maid who took care of me since I was a baby.

'Do you want a glass of milk?' asked Mrs Jones.

'And a piece of bread, please.' I smiled a little and stood up.

'Of course, dear.' Mrs Jones then walked toward the door.

'Victoria hasn't got back yet?' I said with a cold tone.

Mrs Jones stopped her footsteps and turned slightly. 'Yes, as always.'

Victoria hid a lot of her secrets. Like everyone else, but I knew she had ugly secrets that would disgust everyone. I didn't like her, she had some sort of abusive mind and liked to kill people with her sharp paws. Yes, Victoria was one of the Royals of Wolves. And, I felt so grateful that Victoria was just my stepmother. I didn't want to mention about her to other people, not even her name, because it's embarrassing and deep in my heart, I'm afraid that Victoria would kill me someday. I just couldn't get why Victoria hasn't kill me yet. Victoria hated me deep into my bones. One thing that had been bothering me was that the thought of my father's death by Victoria. She probably killed him, I thought. I was too naive to think that Victoria loved my father, that's why she wouldn't kill him. But no, its a huge joke that Victoria really married my father just because of love.

You might wonder why, why would Victoria, a wolf, would marry a Rivan, my father. Well that's because my father, was one of the richest royals. He was close to the King of Rivans. They both were once the best fighters in the 4th Sola War, if it wasn't them, they wouldn't have won the pervious war. But, my father was so humble, he didn't fight for the throne, instead, he just accept the rewards and became the bravest and richest man. But it was clueless to know what was Victoria's real intentions after all.

'Father, ' I wiped the frame of my father's portrait, 'how are you and mother? I heard that the King of Rivans and the Queen were killed in the 5th Sola war, did you see them in heaven? Please tell them to look after us, and all the Rivans.'

I was wearing a light blue blouse and eating my breakfast until I heard some noise came from the huge gate. Well I didn't have to guess but I knew clearly that Victoria had came back. 'Again.' I shook my head.

'RINGGG-' the telephone rang suddenly. As I picked up, a familiar sound came from another side. 'Violet! It's Emily, you need to come and see some new discovery I've made!'

'What discovery?'

'The Money Plant!'

'Oh the project,' I suddenly remembered my school project, 'How is it going?'

'The money plant is harvesting! I'm so happy!' Emily was screaming happily on the other side of the telephone.

'I don't think mine will be harvesting.' I quickly took a glance at my pot.

'Just come over I'll show you how. '

'Do you think i could just leave here as I wish? '

'Just tell Victoria you're coming to visit me.'

'Oh you sure do think that you are the only one Victoria trusts? '

'No, but she thought that im powerless because I'm just a human!'

'She isn't scared of you, and she isn't a tiny bit of worried that you will hurt me, SHE DOESN'T EVEN CARE about me' I rolled my eyes.

'But we're doing important things and if she knew you're seeing me, I bet she wouldn't think that we're having some sort of top secret meeting to plan 50 ways of how to kill Victoria, right?'

'Ugh, Em. '

'Come on violet the nerd aka vionerd'

'Shut up.'

I walked down the stairs and along the corridor to the dining room. Although it's 9 in the morning, but the staircase and the corridor are dark, everything is gothic.
I stopped infront of the huge door, hesitating whether to ask or not.
'yes darling,' a sly and evil deep tone rose from the dining room, 'come in'.
I shivered as if the voice could haunt me and kill me. I took a deep breathe and pushed the door and stepped inside the room. The dining room was dark, a few candles were lightened. The gothic styled windows were opened, a few servants stood stationary at the corner, did not dare to steal a peek of the surroundings.

I felt like I couldn't breath anymore because of the cold atmosphere that surrounded me. I didn't know how to speak when I saw Victoria staring right into my soul.

'It is so rare to see you coming down the dining room to join me for breakfast' Victoria spoke, cutting my thoughts, while wiping her mouth with the napkin. A dark red colored lipstick stain left on the napkin.

'I'm not here for the breakfast, I wanted to go out, to Emily's house. ' I said, coldly.

'Oh. Not breakfast, huh?' Victoria quickly sipped a little of her coffee. 'Well, okay, but-'

'Hello young lady.' A bold yet devilish tone of a man raised from nowhere.

'Who are you? 'I almost screamed at his sudden appearance.

'He's Mikey! HAHAHA! ' said Victoria with an evil laugh, 'He definitely knows how to surprise, doesn't he?' continued Victoria with a slight chuckle.

'Michael, Michael Southe.' The man let out one of his hand to have a handshake with me.

I remained silence and stared at both of them. Clearly, I did not care about Michael. My main purpose of standing here speaking to two psycho-looking but definitely were true mad psychos wasn't because of meeting Victoria's man, I just needed a permission or rather acknowledgement from her that I was going out.

'Oh, young girl you've got such a unique personality.' Said the ugliest man that I had ever seen. He wore a yellow color shirt and long pants with suspenders. He was holding a cup of coffee with his leather coat left on the back of the dining chair. His hair was so messy and he got beards. He looked like he's in his 50s.

'Rude Cat, ' said Victoria, glaring at me.

'Just go and have fun with your friend, young lady, said Michael as if I was asking him, 'go ahead' Michael slightly pushed my back toward the door.

'Dont touch me. ' I quickly moved away, and turned to Victoria, 'I'll be back before 9 as always.'

I knew Victoria wouldn't let me out until midnight, I thought Victoria didn't want the wolves to hurt me but that was so hilarious because Victoria wouldn't care about my safety, she'd be celebrating for 7days and 7nights until she passes out if I was killed. But there must be something that the evil woman didn't want me to see or know. And that awful truth, might be the moment Victoria turning into a wolf and hunts her prey. Or probably, she just didn't want me overstepping into the Wolves region. 🐺

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