Thirty-Seven : The Talking Death

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I walked around the castle myself.

The castle was so expectedly quiet.

I thought again and again which move to be taken first. Finally, I decided to go check on Michael and Victoria.

One of the servants coming out from the kitchen were holding a tray of some fresh juice, heading to the east.

I followed the servant up the stairs and to Michael's room.

Surprisingly, only Victoria was in the room.

She got out of the bed grumpily and shouted, "I want rabbit's blood! I don't want juices!" She swung her hand towards the servant. At first I thought she was going to hit her but then she pushed the tray towards the floor. "Clean up and leave! "

She stomped out of her room with her red velvet robe, grabbing a bottle of wine.

I shook my head. This was my stepmother.

I looked at the servant whose wrist was bleeding as the broken glass that fell on the floor cut her. She sighed.

One servant came rushing into the room and helped her. It was then I realized they are the ones I saw at the stairs talking about Belle. They were the ones served Victoria.

"Elly! Are you alright? "The one came in asked, kneeling down to help her.

"Yes. I wonder where did she go? She haven't eaten. "said the one has cuts on her hand, Elly.

"I wonder too. "She put the glass pieces into the tray carefully. "Perhaps to the dungeon to see her stepdaughter. "

"You're kidding, right? She wouldn't go to that kind of place, June. "She said, wiping her blood with the napkin.

"Or maybe to the West Wing, to torture his highness. "I frowned when June spoke.

I quickly ran out of the room and searched for the wicked woman. She was walking like a drunk man down the stairs towards the north.

It was the way to the dungeon.

But I felt relieved. She wasn't going to torture Max.

She stood at the corridor and scowled at the dungeon door after grimacing, "I'm going to look for Michael now and get rid of you ugly duckling!"

Well, she was referring to me.

She stomped out of the huge door and the hall fell into dead silence once again.

I ran down the stairs and to the dungeon.

I was thinking if I could lay back on my body and wake up therefore I hurried back to where my body was.

Suddenly, my footsteps stopped when I heard someone singing.

It was a melodious and sweet voice of a woman. A magnetic voice that led my curiosity on. I tried to follow the voice to where it came from, it was at the south wing. Where the tower located.

I frowned. But nobody else should be there, or even in the whole castle.

I shook my head as I thought it was hallucinations but curiosity brought my feet towards the south stairs. I bit my lip, heart racing, and I ascended up to the tower.

It was the tower I used to enjoy the view before. It was here, Max and I were so close. My head suddenly ached at the thought that I fell into deep slumber right after our talk, after I woke up I had wolf genes in my blood. I couldn't believe. Everything, related to Max.

Why didn't I make my own surmise after all? I should've already known.

The melodious voice suddenly gone.

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