Eight : Don't Leave

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( Sorry that I took 2months for this chapter!! :( Was really busy though. Anyway, thank you for reading my story, I will continue uploading and improve from my bad writing! )

Violet's Pov

Silly. I didn't know why would I be nice to such silly and strange man. But, I feel comfortable talking to him.

'Hey, ' I called. I could sense that he was staring at me and blushing. 'Could you stop staring me?'

'Hahah I'm sorry I know, it's embarrassing.' he smiled for the second time and his face was quite red. But to be honest, he had a pretty charming smile. His smile lifted his cheeks up and his fine masculine jaw was still clearly visible.

'Why do you want to be my friend so desperately?' I asked.

He looked away and sighed.

'Will you show me the way back to the east wing? I lost my way.' He grabbed his book from the ground and asked. Drifting away from the topic, well my question.

'Oh.. Sure.' I nodded.

This was the longest journey ever in my whole life. What took me 7minutes to reach had became like a 10 houred journey. We didn't talk on our way to the east wing. Just that people shot us weird looks as if the coldest and most quiet girl in the world finally talked to a guy.

I didn't feel comfortable at all. I used to be alone or with Emily only. Now that this annoying new boy had become 'my friend', I was quite amazed yet felt strange. The boys used to distant themselves far away from me. Because of Victoria. But how brave was this young man? He dared to come closer although I knew and I was so sure that Joseph must have had told him things about me. Didn't he know who am I?

I walked behind him when we were almost near the school's gate. I slowed down my steps and he continued walking. Looking at his back, I just couldn't recognize him but I knew I must've had seen him somewhere else before. Well, I stayed in the palace most of the time and, he's new in school, so I guessed I might be spotted him in the old newspapers.

The weather was quite windy, the wind was blowing. He turned around and looked for me when he realized I've stopped walking. Suddenly, the cropped old newspapers in my hand accidentally flew off.

He saw and quickly picked them up for me. 'Thanks.' I walked nearer to collect them back.

His eyes fell on the newspapers.

'Wolves are responsible for King David's death." He read the article's title out loud.

'Shh!' I snatched them back.

'How did you get that newspaper?' He asked, with eyes widened.

'Non of your business.' I said coldly.

I quickly hid them into the pockets of my robe and turned to leave.

'Wait!! ' He shouted, but I ignored.

'Violet??' He called out for me, but I left him after saying 'Goodbye.'

He stood there just like how he was surprised recently when I called him weird in the class. But this time, his eyes were glowing with a tint of sadness and he seemed down.

Daniel's Pov

I accidentally saw the title of the articles she cropped from the newspapers.

I hid in my room and refused to go out. I kept thinking of the news, about my father. Why would Violet keep that news too?

Days passed and we did not talk. Although Luna always nagged about it but I couldn't help at all.

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