Forty : Time Travelling

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*Special Chapter*

Belle's POV

I walked to East Wing, once again.

It was the first time I come here after Victoria moved in. One of the reasons why was because I didn't want to see Michael. I avoided seeing him. I was afraid that I would tear up. I looked around this place, so familiar yet so different. There weren't much changes. I climbed up the stairs, memories came back again.

I was the Queen of Wolves Kingdom.

Here, the biggest main hall of the castle. Once upon a time, here was crowded with my people. Once, my children were playing around. Once, our family was very happy.

I could still see myself, dancing with Michael right here. I could still remember welcoming and greeting various guests here.

I bit my lip. Took a deep breathe and turned away.

I came to Michael's room. It was our room.

I took my steps bravely.

As I entered, I saw a familiar woman laying on the bed. Right beside her, it was empty.

The woman slept soundly, bottles of wines were scattered beside her. She smelled, awfully drunk.

Then, I saw another man at the balcony, drinking his wine.

I flew closer, and to his side.

Tonight, was a full moon night. Today, was 7th of July.

My death anniversary.

He was holding a white rose in his other hand.

I slowly approached him, and whispered, "Michael, my honey. "

He heard. And he turned around with frightened expression.

The second his eyes laid on me, he was completely startled. His eyes glowed in horror and he fell onto the ground. With both knees on the ground, he cried out, "120 years. After so many years, you finally came. "

I squatted a little to hold him up and I felt his trembling body. It was the first ever time in my life that I saw him being afraid of me.

"If you want my live, I'll give you back. "He swallowed a lump of saliva, shivering.

"Do you think I'm here to kill you? "

"It was my fault. "

"Easy there, my dear husband. "

He gave a twisted expression.

"I wanted to dance, Michael. Remember how we used to dance at the huge wide hall? "

He did not speak.

I held both his hands and suddenly the surroundings slowly became blurry. We were now at the dance floor, about 120 years ago, the people were looking at us, we were like the newly married couple, the pair of King and Queen that were much respected by our lovely people. Everything was just like a perfect imagination. It was as if we had time traveled back to the old times. I could see both of our kids in their suits, standing at a side, with their nanny behind, smiling widely. I could see ourselves in beautiful dresses and capes on Michael, people were cheering for us.

"Remember how we met?"

"Remember how we fell in love? "

"Remember how you proposed to me? "

"How we lived so happily... "

I embraced him in my hands. His terrible look slowly faded.

I could see so much good times we had, but I didn't know if he could, if he had seen what I had already seen too.

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