Sixteen : The Injection

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"What happened to Max?? " I asked Victoria.

"He was beaten up by a group of Rivans. They said that Max is keeping you here for advantages, also a threat to them for Sola War. They wanted him to set you free. " She put a cigarette into her mouth.

"What's the point for me to follow y'all here, anyway? I really hope I can be free too. Just let me go and stop doing all these that I don't know your true intentions behind, then Max would be fine, isn't it a great deal? "

She smirked and took the cigarette away from her mouth, with one hand holding her elbow, she exhaled a wisp of smoke into my face.

I instantly coughed and gave her a disgusted look.

"You will not leave here, a single step away, because you have wolf's genes. When the blue moon rises, Rivans will see your scary true shape, you will be tortured to death. Only here, Max will keep you safe, ugly duckling."

"I do not have wolf's genes, stop trying to confuse me and prison me here. "

"Oh you do, and you have no ways to escape. "

"What do you mean??"

She ignored my question and continued, "Michael and I will be away for months, Max will look after you. "

She winked and turned to leave.

I stood speechless. Until I realized, my forehead was wet with my sweat. My palms were cold and my ankles shaking. What if Victoria's statement was true? I frowned a little.

That was another cold night. How long had I been here and what's the reason I had to stay here?

I sat up from my bed, decided to leave my room.

Wolves howling under the moon every night and the town started to be crazily crowded. It was quite an amazing view from this hill. Michael  built this tower to view his kingdom. There was also another version of story of this tower, which was about his wife.

Belle Walf. I heard the servants said.

Michael loved her a lot. She was the mother to all their kids. Also Michael's one and only love before meeting Victoria. Belle was talented and powerful, but she gave up on her pride and married Michael. People say that, she was almost the King to the Wolves Kingdom. But in the end, she chose to help Michael to become the King, and married him.

She sacrificed a lot, but to the reason of her death, no one knows, not even the servants, except for Michael himself or his children.

The tower was built to remember Belle. She loved enjoying the beautiful scenery of the Heavest Hill. Michael proposed here to Belle and this tower meant a lot to the Southe Family, especially Michael.

The cold air blew again.

"Such a beautiful view. " The air around me froze.

I turned my head to him. He was standing thoughtlessly.

" You love this view just like your mother, isn't it? "

"Do you miss her?" I added, focusing on the scenery.

A soft smile crawled up to his blushed lips with light blood stain." You are the view I was referring to." Then he paused for a second and held his breathe carefully, " Of course, I do. She's my mother. "

I nodded slowly, showing understanding.

"And I know that she'll always be here, which makes me feel stronger and safer. " He let go a long exhalation.

"You have a brother? "I tried to move his attention.


"Just wondering. "

"Isaac. 2 years older. "

He walked nearer and sat beside me.

"So... Where's he? I don't see him around before. " I took a quick glance at him.

"Isaac? " He repeated his name and chuckled, "He's always mysterious. Remember when we're still kids, we used to play hide and seek, I spent days to find him with the help of the servants. But our parents never worry about him. He could have all his freedom although he was still a child."
He cleared his throat and continued, "Isaac is so unique and special. It makes me feel more envious when we grow up. But father and mother do not allow me to ask silly questions related to both of us. I accepted the truth and one day when I finally got home, they told me Isaac has gone. He's gone to travel around the world, until today. "

His eyes then fell on mine.

"It's so unfair. " I mumbled, pitiful.

"But I thought about it the other way, I told myself that father had gave all his hopes on me. I could be the King of the Wolves Kingdom someday, and also the throne of Pascille, which will never happened on Isaac but me. "

I was shut by his words again. Throne of Pascille. Triggered.

He continued without letting me respond, "Violet. "

"Huhh... " I slowly glanced toward him.

He held my right hand and spoke with much sincerity, "And if you believe me, I need you to complete my biggest dream. Will you help me? "

"Me? " I was dumbfounded.

"Yes, you, Violet. " He put my hand on his cheek, "It was here, the Rivans hurt me, forcing me to hand you over them."

My fingers became weak, caressing his swollen cheek and the cuts beside his lips. My heart sank. So deep.

"Does it hurt? " I had forgotten how dumb was the question.

"My heart hurts more, actually. " He looked away.

"Don't worry. I'll always be by your side, I won't leave you behind. " I looked at his scars, feeling terribly sorry.

He looked at me with hope in his eyes, "Really, Violet? You won't leave me? You promise to stay with me? "

We were inches apart. His eyes seemed teary and I couldn't stand how hurtful he was right now. I opened my arms and held him. "Yes, Max. You will be fine. "

He buried his head in my hair and cried softly, "Thank You. "

Despite the cold and freezing night, I felt so warm with him.

A sharper pain pierced into my arm, and I instantly felt dizzy. I did not know whether my arm or my heart that feels more painful. But instead of worrying, I fell asleep. It was so comfortable to escape this sharp pain which I didn't know what is it.

A long sleep ahead, I had no memory on what happened next.

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