Mighty Shenron Come forth!

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"A-are you sure about this?" Pumkin asked uneasily as she looked down at the 7 balls before her.. glowing before her..

Pumkin looked at Natsu and the rest of the people waiting.. the stadium was crumbling and in near ruins from Nightmare Pumkin's attack.. however.. nobody was too much worse for wear..

Pumkin looked from Natsu.. back to the remaining Tyrant Fang members.. who had become considerably nicer to her in the past few hours..

Then finally, she looked upon Mr. Everezz, who stood next to Yajima, smiling at her..

"Oh go ahead Pumkin.. it's not polite to keep a dragon waiting." said Mr. Everezz cheerilly. 

"What he said!" said Natsu with a grin..

"Aw right pops!" said Pumkin, grinning at her foster father. "Okay.. hehem... SHENRON!! COME FORTH AND GRANT OUR WISH!!"

For a minute.. nothing happened.. then suddenly, dark clouds covered the sky.. as the area turned dark.. and the Dragon Balls began to glow with bright orange light.

"Well.. something's definitely happening..." Black said. "Intriguing.. is there truly a dragon coming?'

"FOOOOOMMM!!" Suddenly a beam of golden light exploded from the Dragon Balls and flew into the air, twisting and turning in a serpentine like manner.. before the glow of the beam died down.. revealing itself to actually be a scaly green body with spikes running down it's back..

A massive green Chinese Dragon twisted and turned through the air.. it's body slithering through the sky.. as it's tail remained shimmering and coming out of the Dragon Balls on the ground. It's eyes were red.. and a mystical power seemed to ripple around it..

 and a mystical power seemed to ripple around it

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"No wings? And it's flying?" Natsu muttered. "That's not like any dragon I've ever seen."

"Igneel is an Earth Dragon.." said Piccolo. "Dragons throughout the Universe come in different varieties.. Shenron is the creation of Namekian magic and power.. my race...

"I am the Eternal Dragon..." Shenron's powerful voice echoed through the sky. "Speak your wish.. "

"Uh... hello... Shenron! Hi.." said Pumkin. " Nice ta meetya!"

Shenron stared down at Pumkin for a minute. "Umm.. okay?"

"YEaaaaaah.. okay, so we have some dead people." said Pumkin, sweating.. shifting her feet around nervously.

Shenron sighed. "Will you please just address me clearly? I am here to grant wishes, not eat you.. "

"Right right! No disrespect!" Pumkin exclaimed. 

"Hmmm.." Shenron stared down at Natsu. "You smell like an old acquaintance of mine.. do you know Igneel?"

"He's my dad!" said Natsu cheerily.

Fairy Tail Super, Book 3: Wishes on the Seven StarsWhere stories live. Discover now