Prologue: BEGIN! The Grand Magic Games

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"Hmph.. I don't hear much of anything important.."

A man walked down the streets of the small town of Logotown.. his hands stuffed in his pockets. He had tan skin, red wild hair that was almost saiyan-like in appearance.  He wore a large white coat.. and his right eye was closed, with a scar going over it.. suggesting that he probably only had one eye.

 suggesting that he probably only had one eye

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Erik.. formerly as the Dark Guild Oracion Seis's poison Dragon Slayer, code named Cobra.  He was currently on a mission for another kind of guild.. A guild comprised of vigilante-like former criminals, most of them being former members of Oracion Seis too.  Dedicated to bringing in criminals.. and the dark Wizard Zeref, who was known to be at large.

Crime Sorciere.

Erik looked around the town a little. So far, the individual he had been looking for hadn't shown up...  Jellal had been very specific on who would be working with him.. and yet.. it seemed this person was late.. 

"Did ya hear? That retard idiot.. Pumkin.. she joined the Fairy Tail guild!"

"hahaha.. what a joke.. Tyrant Fang will take em down for sure! We can't lose to that loser's guild if they're entering.."

A couple of teenagers laughed and talked, as Cobra heard every word they said.

Cobra's particular brand of sound magic pretty much allowed him to hear everything from private conversations, to whispered thoughts.

Cobra scowled. He had heard of Pumkin from Jellal, even seen the girl at a distance..  From what he heard, the girl had major heart.. he respected somebody like that.. for people from her own home town to be regarding her with such spite... it was enough to make anybody angry. 

"CHECK IT OUT!!" Cobra looked up, as a voice on a megaphone blared out from a nearby stage.

An announcer with sunglasses was standing on the stage, amid an audience of cheering youths. Next to him were a group of mages.. 

The foremost of the mages, whom Erik noticed, was a large and tall man, with a knight's silver helmet on his head, a long white cape.. and a black padded armored outfit, he had a lithe looking body on him..

Two others Erik also noticed, were two teenage guys. Both were thin, lithe, and muscular, possessing similar builds to Natsu and Gray of Fairy tail. One wore a black tan top.. and had a serious looking face, plus an x shaped scar on his cheek. he had wildish wavy black hair.. 

The other one, had a long black coat, and possessed shorter spiky black hair and a laid back grinning expression. 

The common thing about these mages, was that they all possessed a guild emblem that resembled a fierce dinosaur's head.

"As you can see!! our local guild! Tyrant Fang! Has never been better" said the announcer. "Not only do we have our great S Class Mage, the 5th strongest of the Wizard Saints, Heaven Glory!!  But we also have two of the magnificent race, the Saiyans.. from Universe 6!"

Fairy Tail Super, Book 3: Wishes on the Seven StarsWhere stories live. Discover now