The Horrifying Lord Frieza. Fairy Tail Defeated!?

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(This song from FF Advent Children fits Frieza perfectly I feel, Frieza was part of my terrifying nightmare fantasy along with Sephiroth that inspired me to make Diablo Etwatia). 

Frieza's Final Form smirked as he folded his arms and then beckoned Natsu over with a twitch of his tail. 

"What are you waiting for? I cordially invite you to a most wondrous event.. a fight with your emperor.. " said Frieza.

"I don't have an emperor.. ya jackass." Natsu growled, his silver eyes flashing.

Frieza nodded. "Very well.. you will bow before long.. but for now.. I think I'll be polite.. considering you're new to this..I'll start out by only using 3 percent of this form's full power... is that acceptable?"

"Now I'm SURE you're some sort of psychopath.." growled Natsu. "Fine.. don't blame me if I dish out all sorts of pain.. FOR WHAT YA DID TO PUMKIN!!!"

Natsu hurled forth, using all his momentum, speed in power, putting it into one tremendous attack as he aimed a flaming punch at Frieza.. strong enough to split a planet in half...

only to hit empty air..

"Huh!?" Natsu stammered as Frieza appeared behind him.. his tail lashing out and wrapping around Natsu's neck.

"AGGGHHH!" Natsu choked, grabbing at the tail, trying to get it off... but the tail itself was like iron.. holding in place with budging an inch..

"Ohohohoho! Ultra Instinct's instant dodging is an incredibly useful ability.. however, there is one flaw... what use is pre-emptive avoidance.. if you're ultimately not fast enough to avoid what's coming?" said Frieza. "And to think.. this is also only 3 percent of my maximum speed.. you see I keep my promises.."

Frieza chopped Natsu in the back of the neck, appearing to only give him a light tap... however.. a shockwave exploded from the light and meager blow... sending Natsu blasting into the ground.. a sickening crack resounding upon impact..

Natsu stood up.. panting desperately, his eyes wide with shock.. his arm hanging at his side due to it being dislocated.

"hmhmhmmm.." Frieza chuckled as he landed gently about 40 feet away. "Oh.. my.. I was gentle.. but now I'm starting to think maybe even only 3 percent was a bit too much... how anticlimactic.."

"FIRE DRAGON'S ROARRRRRRRRR!!" Natsu hurled forth a blast of fire from his mouth.. turning the sky orange from it's sheer force... but...

Frieza emerged, striding through the flames themselves.. as if they were mere paper streamers.. not a single scratch or burn on him.

"Oh? Fireworks.. I do enjoy a little sparkler now and then.. I applaud your flashiness." Frieza said, clapping his hands slowly and sarcastically. 

"H-he took that... like it was nothing.." Natsu stammered fearfully. "Without even trying... he just stood there.. like I was just spraying him with a water hose.."

Frieza popped his neck and his tail whipped back and forth, making whipping sounds in the air. "How boring.. and here I thought I was actually facing a legitimate potential threat to my rule... oh well.. never can be too careful.. right?"

Fairy Tail Super, Book 3: Wishes on the Seven StarsWhere stories live. Discover now