Incredible Fury, Fairies V.S. Tyrants

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Galt shivered, standing before her guild mates fearfully, her black shroud and white beaked mask lay in a corner

Brussel, looking fearful and bewildered as well, stepped forward, but Tomata held out a hand, and shook his head.

Lola remained stoic and unemotional, it was uncertain what she thought of this at the moment..

(I based Nostra's appearance off a combination of Genthru from HunterXHunter and Ignis from FFXV)

Nostra pushed his glasses in, the lenses flashing as he eyed Galt with a terrible ruthlessness. "I remember, when I took you in.. when you alone.. and fearful.. I convinced the mayor to let you live in Logotown.."

Galt shook her head tearfully. "Please.. sir.. Please.."

"Quiet!" Nostra growled. "I have no time for your sniveling pleas.  I remember..  you were called Segrenia back then.. Segrenia Vermillion.. but you wished to leave that name behind.. I gave a new name.. a strong name.. Galt.. that of the heroine who saved the northern villages in times of peril.. in hopes you would destroy the enemies of our loved ones... instead.. the enemy saved YOU... the greatest shame  ANY warrior could ever experience.."

Nostra stared down at Galt coldly. "Bringing a weakling daughter of Mavis out of her time stasis curse.. possibly the worst mistake I ever made.. I should've known that our enemy's sister would betray us.."

"S-sister!?" Galt stammered.

"DON'T PLAY DUMB WITH ME!!" Nostra roared, his power rising with his voice, causing the room to shake, scaring the guild members within.

Lola looked up wearily, and inched away from Nostra. 

"You knew didn't you?! You knew of the Lost Magic.. the Vermillion Family secret that takes children, and lets them be reborn to other parents of the caster's choice!" growled Nostra. "You knew what your mother did!!"

"I-I told you.. m-my sister died young.. of a disease called the Gravehoard Vi-" stammered Galt.

"WHAAAAAMM!!" a tremendous telekinetic force exploded into Galt, slamming her against the wall.

"Liar.." growled Nostra. "You've allied with them.. WITH FAIRY TAIL!!!"

Nostra closed his eyes. "My master Jiemma was a great man. He taught me what it meant to destroy my enemies.. to crush weakness. He was the one who brought Saber Tooth to the epitome of strength before it lost sight of it's power and became weak under the leadership of Sting Eucliffe. I shall continue his legacy within the power of Tyrant Fang! After I eliminate Pumkin Everezz for her crimes.. we shall move on to Saber Tooth, and crush them too.."

Nostra looked down upon Galt. "Strip.."

"Wh-wha!?" stammered Galt

"Excuse me!?" stammered Heaven. "What is this!? H-Hasn't she had enough!?"

"Like I said.. those who ally with our enemies will not be tolerated.. " growled Nostra. "Now unless you want me to kill you.. STRIP!"

Shivering and crying.. Galt stripped off her clothes, so that she stood naked before Nostra.  Her Tyrant Fang guild mark was exposed upon her shoulder.

Nostra hurled a hand out.. and a powerful burn streaked across Galt's shoulder.. shredding off the guild mark as Galt gritted her teeth in pain.

"You can go beg to the weaklings you admire now.. Saber Tooth perhaps, that accepted those silly rejects Sting, Rogue, and Yukino.. or perhaps, Turtle Hermit with that bumbling saiyan oaf Goku... or perhaps.. you can go flounce around with your dirt bitch whore of a sister.. " said Nostra. "I care not which.. if you show up anywhere near any of us again.. we will kill you."

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