Hit the Assassin. A Temporary Reserve member Enters the Team

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"One must charge their ki to a specific level, otherwise they risk creating an explosion that damages their arms, so in order to practice ki levels, attempt to regulate your power through meditation.."

Pumkin awoke to a voice. She blinked a little, as she found herself in her pajamas, snuggled beneath a blanket, her head leaning on Erza, who was reading aloud from one of Pumkin's Martial Arts manuals. 

Erza stopped reading for a minute, and smiled at Pumkin. She was wearing casual clothing so Pumkin didn't feel cold armor, just a warm somebody..

"E-Erza?" Pumkin murmured. "I.. I.."

Pumkin looked down at her arm.. and felt relief to see it was still there.

"They reattached it.." said Erza. "it's fine.. luckily a doctor saw what happened and managed to save your arm. However, you'll take around 7 days to heal completely.. "

"Me and my Saiyan genetics.." said Pumkin with a chuckle. "E-Erza.. what about the games?"

"We got Hit to fill in for you." said Erza. "Once you're back on your feet.. well.. that's you choice. If you get back out there, you'll certainly be facing Lola at some point.. if you don't want to.. I don't blame you.."

"No.." Pumkin said, gritting her teeth. "I.. I'm tired of it Erza. I'm tired of living in fear.. I'm going to fight Lola.. and this time.. I'm not going to cower.. I have to do this.."

Erza's eyes dimmed.

"You.. don't want me to do it.. do you?" Pumkin asked.

"When.. I saw you.. broken.. hurt.." Erza muttered. "I felt.. dead.. as if nothing else could hurt me more.. I don't want that happening again.. Lola isn't like any type of enemy we've ever fought. Everyone else has agendas, has plots, grandiose plans.. whether it's to appear strong, to rule the world, to discover deeper magic, or other things.. Lola isn't like that.. she hurts for fun, that is all, she hurts because she can.. she is a sociopathic monster..  "

"I know.." said Pumkin. "And that's why.. I need to be the one to stop her.. otherwise, I'll live with this fear for the rest of my life..  Erza.. get Korin.. I need a Senzu Bean.. "


"HEY! Kakarot! There's somebody here to see you.." Vegeta roared from within the Turtle Hermit rented headquarters. "Got see her.."

"Huh!?" Goku looked up. He had been in the middle of devouring a large bowl of rice, his cheeks stuffed.

Goku swallowed his food and walked over to the front door.. to find Pumkin standing there, wearing a red school blazer and blue skirt.

"Not exactly my usual fashion." said Pumkin gesturing at her clothing. "But I didn't want many people noticing me."

"I get it.." said Goku. "So what do you need Pumkin?"

"I want you to train me." said Pumkin "I want you to make me your student!!"

"HUH!?" Goku stammered. "ME!? A teacher!? Well I'll be honest, I've never actually thought of myself as something like that!!"

"PLEASE!!" Pumkin bowed low and respectfully. "You are the strongest Saiyan I've ever met.. at Super Saiyan 3 you were able to outmatch me as Super Saiyan Hakai.. if I... if I AM TO BEAT THE TYRANT FANG... I NEED YOUR HELP!"

Goku frowned at Pumkin. "I don't know.. I'll be honest.. I didn't get strong the easy way..."

"I've had my arm torn from my body and I was physically tortured as a kid, you tell me if you can go harder than that." Pumkin said. 

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