Ultra Instinct. The Shell That is Broken

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Writer's Notes:The flaw with Fairy tail and Dragon Ball. 

I feel that before I get into today's update I should address one of my reasons for writing this fan fiction. Most of you know that I am primarily a Misaka writer when it comes to fan fiction. I like writing about my number one idol and favorite anime person Mikoto Misaka. But, before she came into the picture, Dragon Ball was my childhood, and I do have a massive love for Fairy Tail. However both anime have one large flaw that's made haters actually legitimately hate the shows. For Dragon Ball, it was always the fact that there was NO plot.. all it's ever been was dudes punching each other in the face. And while the Original Dragon Ball before Z had SOME plot due to it being a comedy and NOT a shonen (kid goku causing trouble) And Super did solve some of the issue with the Goku Black arch, it overall didn't do a good job plot wise.  Fairy Tail admittedly does the same thing as Toriyama where Hiro just puts things out as it goes along, and isn't even sure how his own series will end (One Piece is successful because of planning.. and is one of the few anime that does so) At least he does an excellent job at it, making amazing plots like Edolas and Alvarez archs. However, his problem is that you never feel a sense of danger, because you feel like NOTHING bad is ever going to happen.  I wrote this series to solve both flaws. Pumkin is a representation of a character who looks at life realistically despite her shonen character like traits (namely, huge appetite, massive will, and loveable flaws.) Despite her shonen traits, she has had an agonizing life relateable to the average teen girl. This series is meant to add plot to a plotless series.. and danger to an otherwise "too happy" series. In a way, Dragon Ball's countless deaths and tragedies combined with Fairy Tail's powerful plot make up for each other.  WIth that said, I should put out a warning. Around the 3rd book, the Emperor Frieza arc, you might find a lot of blood and death..  so brace yourself.

"Ouch" Pumkin muttered, sweating slightly as she munched on the Senzu Bean, and Lucy massaged her arm.

They were now holed up in a church as were many injured on stretchers.. civilians and mages alike..

Macao, Evergreen, and a few other guild members from Fairy Tail were here as well, along with Macao's son Romeo, a boy around Wendy's age who idolized Natsu (even dressed like him).

Mainly they were all those who stood no chance against the Cell Jrs.  And considering that each Cell Jr was stronger than even Elfman or any of Laxus's followers the Raijinshu, it was turning into a frightening fight where only the strong could survive.

"Damn.. look at all these casualties.." Pumkin muttered looking around the church as various doctors ran around, looking for others. Wendy and Chelia were among them, being a Sky Dragon and God Slayer the two of them well practiced in healing magic.

"It's not looking good.." Muttered Lucy. "To think Cell could produce such powerful things... he's gotten stronger."

"It's his Saiyan genetics.. my genetics... like Black he's able to grow stronger after every battle.." said Pumkin. "And to top it off Frieza's running around in here..."

"That might be a good thing.." Murmured Lucy.

"Wait.. HUH!?" Pumkin said, blinking. 

"Think about it.. what if Cell and Frieza run into each other? I don't think they're going to become besties do you?" said Lucy.

"You're right.." Pumkin said. "I guess... but I DON'T want our savior to be... THAT creep!! A Universe 7 saiyan... being saved by FRIEZA!? I'd throw up for a week just thinking too much about it."

"Sorry.. I forgot.. you saiyans have your saiyan pride don't you?" said Lucy with a smile. 

"Oi!!" Natsu ran over, along with Happy, panting. "Everyone! We need to get EVERYONE out of here now!!!"

Fairy Tail Super, Book 3: Wishes on the Seven StarsWhere stories live. Discover now