The Fairy Tail Kamehameha.

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"H-Hey! Get back to your side of the field!! If you don't do as I say, you'll get disqualified!! HEY!!"

Lola pushed aside Hercule without paying him a single mind as she and Pumkin walked up to each other.

Pumkin returned to her normal form, her Super Saiyan glow diminishing as she glared back at Lola.

Lola's Dead Eye glowed with light as she smirked. "So you're going to defy your superior Pumkin?"

"Superior what? Superior asshole?" said Pumkin. 

Lola glared into Pumkin's eyes. Normally, when she looked in there, she would see a mixture of immense guilt and fear...  but this time..

Lola's smirk vanished, and was replaced with anger. "You've forgotten your place.. Everezz.."

"I'm not afraid of you anymore Lola.." said Pumkin.

"Then I'll make you fear me again.." said Lola. "Right here and now.."

Goku looked at Hercule. "Hey! Sorry about this.. I know you've just finished your final match for the day however.. so... I was thinking.. could you just let my pupil use the stadium.. for this fight? People can come and leave.. I mean it's not part of the games or anything.."

"K-Knock yourself out.." Hercule whimpered.

"What's this!? Looks like we have an EXTRA match today that's completely unrelated to the games!" said Chapati. "Well I have no inclination to miss this folks, so I'm staying right here!"

"So.. since this is a fight outside the games.. i guess there are no rules in particular.." said Lola. "Which means there's nothing saying I can't torment you until you sob and bleed.. "

"Pumkin ignored this, she walked over to Lucy and picked her up in her arms. "Give me a sec.."

Lola rolled her eyes. "Ahhh.. sentiment.. the idiocy of it.. well at least that's one thing better saiyans than you lack.."

"Don't  be too sure about that.." said Goku. "Not many saiyans are better than her.."

"You're stronger than her aren't you?" said Lola.

"It ain't strength I'm talking about." said Goku. "Not that a person like you would understand.."

"You alright?" Pumkin asked gently.

"Well.. maybe a few.. broken bones.. okay plenty of broken bones.. but I'll live.." said Lucy with a pained smile. "Just.. do me a favor.."


"Kick her ass." said Lucy.

"You've got it.." said Pumkin with a grin as she set Lucy safely in Goku's arms, who jumped up into the stands.

"So.. Pumkin.." said Lola. "Care to tell me how you managed to grow so strong in only a matter of 3 days? Even I'm not that good.. "

"Well.. it's all a matter of perspective.." said Pumkin. "You see.. it's true Goku did teach me a few new techniques, such as Instant Transmission, and the Afterimage Strike I used on your two buddies.. but I didn't lift weights, practice technique or do any of that crap.. truth was... I was always this strong.."

"What?" said Lola, raising an eyebrow. 

"I'm powerful, but I was terrible at managing my Ki.. 3 days of intensive meditation is all I did Lola.." said Pumkin. "And it was all I needed to discover what I was really worth..  all thanks to Goku showing me just how it was done.."

"What a farce!" said Lola with a laugh. "You think just having better control of your own energy is enough to beat me!? Well then.. I suppose I'll rip off your arm again.. only this time.. I'll make sure to take a leg or two as well!!"

Fairy Tail Super, Book 3: Wishes on the Seven StarsWhere stories live. Discover now