TOKUSENTAI!! Enter!! The Ginyu Force!!

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"WIIIIILD!!!" The members of the guild Cuatro Cerberus yelled out happily as their lead member, Bacchus, a muscular looking thin man who had a flask of alcohol always at the ready, held up a large gold statue about the size of a milk jug over their heads. A gold statue of a grinning Mr. Satan.

"We've got it!" said Bacchus!" WILD!!! Now all we need to do is get this into Mr. Satan-sama! And we'll be the first team in!!"

"Oh?" said an echoing voice. "Really now?"

From out of the shadows.. Lola strolled out, her high heels making echoing tapping noises, as she chuckled sinisterly. 

"Hmm." said Bacchus. "Hey. You're one of those Tyrant Fang guild people.. what do ya think you're going to do? Steal this from us?"

"Why yes.. that's the idea.." said Lola.

"Count a little won't ya?" said Bacchus. "There's 7 total of us.. and only one of you.. "

"Oh yes.. it seems to be an unfair matchup... for you.." Lola's Dead Eye glowed with tremendous power.. and suddenly all around the shadows, multiple ginormous red eyes opened up.. hovering in mid air.. as if connected to the darkness itself..

Red dark light ignited all around where the eyes gazed.. and the entire Cuatro Cerberus guild froze.. sweat pouring down their bodies, as a terrible chill went down their spines.

"C-Can't.. move.." stammered Bacchus. "Wh-what is this?"

"Vision Dragon's.. Death Hold.." whispered Lola, smirking, as dark green scales appeared around her eyes.. and her teeth turned into dragon-ish fangs. "Oho.. my.. I think.. it's time for my first toys of the evening."

With that.. Lola launched herself forward, her Dead Eye flashing with a terrifying malice.. leaving nothing behind but the terrified screams of the entire Cuatro Cerberus guild. 


Meanwhile, Fairy Tail was in the middle of their own intensive fight.

"KAAAAMEEEHAAAMEEEHAAAAAAAA!!!" A massive blue blast exploded out into the sky, as guild members from Twilight Ogre were sent flying and yelling in shock.

Pumkin flew through the guild members, pummeling and punching them aside with incredible speed, not giving them a chance to attack.

"ICE MAKE!! KNUCKLE!!!" A powerful fist shaped collision of ice smashed into members of a guild called Lizard Claw, sending them flying past Pumkin.

"Nobody here's got a statue.." Gray announced. "Anything from Twilight Ogre?"

"Nothing here." said Pumkin, kicking aside an unconscious opponent casually. "Jeez.. so far I guess we haven't run into anybody strong enough to actually give us trouble.."

"Hmmm.. indeed.." said Black, strolling casually by. "We can probably assume, considering we've already eliminated 43 guilds in the past hour, that there are still quite a few number of statues that haven't been found.. either that.. or they all already have been found and turned in.."

"Both those presumptions are bit premature." said Erza. "For all we know, we could just be the most proactive ones in eliminating other guilds , the others could be trying to stick to avoiding fights.."

"AVOIDING FIGHTS!?" Natsu exclaimed, grinning as he stood on a massive pile of burned unconscious people. "WHY WOULD WE WANNA DO THAT!? MUAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

"Found one!" said Pumkin.

"Wait wha-?" said Natsu.

"Right there." said Pumkin, pointing to the top of a building, where a familiar glint of gold could be seen standing on a lawn chair.

Fairy Tail Super, Book 3: Wishes on the Seven StarsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum