Goku V.S. Galt. Super Saiyan 3 revealed

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Lola's eyes burned with fury.. as her Dead Eye activated.. she crumpled up her heart marked photo of Lyon in one hand.

"Oh right.. almost forgot.." The masked Gant spoke, her voice giving away the fact she was female. "You had a crush on him didn't you..? Ever since you were little?"

"I came to compete in these games.. if by chance Everezz didn't join, that I'd use the opportunity to ask Lyon out.."  stammered Lola furiously. "THAT DAMN BITCH!! SHE TOOK MY FAMILY!! NOW SHE TAKES EVERYTHING ELSE!? Break Fairy Tail!! BREAK THEM!!!"

As Lola said this, Goku looked over from Turtle Hermit's end, and looked at Lola with a serious expression, his cheer gone.

"Hey, Piccolo, you're friends with Pumkin right?" said Goku.

"Yeah, you could say that, I have a long history with her guild master. " said Piccolo. "We've trained together now and then."

"What's up with this Tyrant Fang.." said Goku. "It's pretty apparent they cheated in the first event.. and the way they look at her.."

"I'm not too sure.." Piccolo muttered. "She never talked about her home town with me much.. but.. they keep babbling about a Full Moon incident.."

"Full Moon?" said Vegeta. "Hmph.. then it's pretty apparent what happened, some time ago, she must have turned into a Great Ape.. "

"I don't care what happened, that kind of hate isn't healthy.." said Goku good naturedly. "They need to chill a bit.."

"THE NEXT MATCHUP IS SON GOKU V.S. GANT VERMILLION!!!" the announcement echoed throughout the stadium

"Looks like you'll have your chance to set em straight!" said Krillin. "But.. Goku.. you're not exactly a good talker.. you sure?"

"Yeah! Besides, I like these Fairy Tail people, they seem pretty alright to me!" said Goku. "And honestly I hope I get to fight Pumkin at some point! That Super Saiyan Hakai thing looks amazing!"

Goku grinned and waved at Pumkin.

Pumkin, taken off guard by this sudden gesture, waved back awkwardly, but smiled back nonetheless. 

"Plus.. there's something familiar about her.." Goku muttered. "I just can't put my finger on it.."

"She's the daughter of Bardock I remember." said Vegeta, looking at Goku meaningfully.

"Bardock.. yeah.. that sounds familiar too.." Goku mused.

"FOR GOD'S SAKE KAKAROT!" said Vegeta. "She's your-.."

(Kakarot is Goku's saiyan name, Vegeta constantly refers to him as such).

"Hold on! That Galt person's already down there! I better get going!" said Goku, jumping down into the arena

"That idiot!" Vegeta growled. "He knows so little about his own heritage!!"

"But you have to admit it's strange.." Piccolo muttered. "Goku's a full grown adult.. but Pumkin should be older than him.. Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta decades ago.. why is she still that young.. ?

Vegeta narrowed his eyes. "You have a point there.. there is something suspicious about all of this that I doubt even that Saiyan Princess knows.."

"Wait.. PRINCESS!?" said Piccolo. 

Goku walked up to Galt as Mr. Satan stood between them, ready to referee the fight. 

"Hey there! You're part of Tyrant Fang right? Nice to meet you!" said Goku brightly, waving at Galt.

Galt removed her mask.. and her black cloak.. to reveal that she was a slender young girl, with blonde hair, green eyes, and a familiar looking pretty face. She wore a green and pink dress, with the Tyrant Fang symbol upon it.

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