Snowstorm (Jack and Mark) (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"I-I'm sorry!" Mark squeaked. "I-I never meant to go in your territory, if that's what--" Jack put his hand in front of Mark and nudged him further away from the feral. The giant growled at the Irish giant, and Jack's eyes widened.

"How did you-" then he narrowed his eyes and bared his teeth. "I don't care!" He snapped at the feral, "You're not touching a hair on him!" Mark looked at the two giants with wide eyes, trying to figure out what was going on. The feral roared and suddenly moved, body slamming Jack. Mark shrieked again, then cursed at himself for being so helpless.

"Jack!" He cried. Jack sat up and shook his head, dazed. The feral beast turned to Mark again and growled, reaching out for him again. Jack muttered and shook his head again, and then he snarled and tackled the giant again. Mark jumped away and fell on his back, covered in mud and rain. The feral roared and bit down on Jack's arm. Jack yowled and pushed it away, then blocked it with his back and shoulder slammed. It reeled back, rolling, as Jack clutched his arm to his chest and shuddered in pain.

The feral giant rumbled, and Jack shot it a glare. "I'm not the one risking our existence!" He exclaimed, "Yer the one who destroyed those buildings, and in one of the largest human cities! What were you thinking!?" The giant growled and looked at Mark again. Mark blinked. Was it... looking for me? Jack growled. "I told ye already, he's not a threat to us!" He insisted. "He won't tell the others." The feral huffed and sat down, looking at Mark again. Mark trembled and went over to Jack, pressing against his hand. Jack looked down at Mark and rumbled; the feral rumbled back.

"You haven't told anybody about us, right Mark?" Mark looked up at Jack. Despite his bold tone, his large blue eyes betrayed his fear. I only told Amy... but she can be trusted. Mark looked at the feral beast and nodded.

"I haven't told anyone. As far as my friends know, I was rescued by a human, native to the mountains." He dipped his head. "The giants' secret is safe with me," he promised. The feral relaxed. Mark heard Jack sigh in relief as it got up and left, disappearing in the rainy forest. Mark smiled in relief and slumped against Jack's arm. Jack shivered and lay down with a groan, pulling Mark closer.

"I'm so sorry you got dragged into this," he muttered, "Are you ok little duder?" Mark shook his head.

"Never mind me, are you ok?" He demanded. Jack glanced at the bite on his arm; it was bleeding. He shrugged.

"I'll live." He grinned cheekily at Mark, making the small man smile a little.

"What the hell are you doing here, anyway?" His smile dropped.

"Oh. Um." Jack turned over on his hands and knees. Mark climbed off and looked up at the giant, out of the rain under him. "I wanted to see you, actually," the Irish giant admitted.

"Really?" Surprise and delight stirred in Mark's breast. "You-you wanted to see me?" Jack nodded; his cheeks were turning red in embarrassment.

"Of course, I didn't mean to wind up almost killing ya." Mark shook his head and smiled.

"It's ok." He looked in the direction the other giant had left. "So... who was that?" Jack shrugged it off.

"Just someone. He wasn't happy that a human knew about us." Jack's blue eyes darkened worriedly. "If humans knew about us, then they'd probably capture us and we'd never be free again." Mark noticed that Jack didn't include him.

"I told my girlfriend," Mark admitted. "But that's because she was worried about me, but-but she'll keep the secret." Jack's eyes focused on the small human again.

"Why was she worried?"

"Because I was worried about you," Mark confessed. "You seemed upset..." Jack tucked his chin and thought for a few seconds.

"Ye could have just forgotten about me..." He said quietly. Mark's jaw dropped.

"What!?" He waved his arms. "How could I forget about you! You saved my life, and- and-" Mark shook his head and suddenly blurted, "And you know what? You're my friend, and friends don't forget each other!" Jack's eyes got very big and round.

"... F-friend?"

"Yes!" Mark didn't stop himself. "Friends look out for each other, and how many times have you saved me, huh? Friends do things for each other, but I haven't gotten a chance to help you..." Jack smiled as tears shone in his eyes, and he rubbed Mark's head.

"By saying that... you are helping me, Mahrk." He leaned over and hugged Mark to his chest. Mark accepted it, feeling the giant's chest shake with a happy sob. He smiled and pat his arm.

"It's ok big guy. Just let it out..." A ray of sunlight suddenly pierced the clouds. They both looked up to see that it had finally stopped raining, and the clouds were dissipating. Jack's eyes widened.

"Hey look, a rainbow!" Mark looked up at Jack and grinned.

"You want to go see if there's any gold at the end of it?" Jack snorted.

"That's just a story! Besides." He looked Mark up and down and laughed, "You look like someone shited on you." Mark scowled.

"Oh yeah? Well- so do you!" Jack laughed and clutched his sides. Then, once he recovered himself, he replied.

"Well, I need to get you home. Yer other pals are probably worried about ya." Mark gasped.

"Oh shit! What's Amy gonna say when she finds me in this state?" He pulled on his shirt's hem and grimaced. "Yuck! I didn't realize there was this much mud on me."

"It's ok, I'll get you back home." Jack offered his hands, and Mark climbed on. He got up and started walking, looking around to make sure there weren't any other humans around. Luckily, the sun was already leaving toward the horizon, and there weren't too many people honking their horns in the city streets. Jack stopped near the edge of the trees and crouched, watching the tiny, bustling people with wide, captivated eyes.

"Will you be staying here?" Mark asked. Jack looked down at him and shrugged.

"Maybe. Not sure yet. The trees are pretty good cover, but there's people all around, and it's a park. I might have to move around and find a better place to hide." He ruffled Mark's messy hair and added, "Hopefully it won't be too far away from Los Angeles." Mark smiled.

"Visit whenever you'd like," he said, "But just put your safety before me, ok? I don't want people to overreact and put you in danger."

"I'll be fine!" Jack hugged his tiny friend again and then set him down. "See ya then, little duder." Mark stepped back and waved, grinning.

"I'll see you in the next one. Bu-bye!"

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