forty three : cruel

Start from the beginning

"How's Elle?" asked Tyler instead of answering the question.

Luke let out a deep sigh. "She's dead drunk. How can you let her drink that much? I thought since I was not around, you would be the one to take care of her."

"Well, if you remember, I have been in NYC until today. Plus, she's not exactly five. She won't listen even if I tell her." A waitress came over to their table and they gave her their orders. It was another moment of silence as the waitress walked with their order. "So, I have never asked you this but I am asking you now." I heard a rustle which was probably Tyler shifting in his seat. "What happened between you and Elle?" Even though he made it sound like it was a normal 'how are you' question, there was no mistaking the warning in his tone.

Even Luke seemed to notice that. "Oh, damn, you are playing the big brother now. Maybe it is better to tell you after you had a couple more drinks."


"Alright, fine. I am sure you will know sooner or later anyway. Well, don't punch me for this but I," Luke cleared his throat twice before continuing, "had sex with your sister last summer." It seemed that Tyler did not make any alarming gesture because Luke continued with the story, "It was amazing, probably the best I've ever had and that said a lot if you know what I mean, but it was also her first."

I bit my lips to prevent myself from gasping or making any noises. I knew Shanelle was young and inexperienced, I meant, she was the principal's daughter and no one wanted to get on his bad side, but I felt bad about how the boys in school had been treating her. I was not sure Luke was the right guy for her, considering the reason he had approached her first was to help Tyler get his revenge on his father, but if he could make her happy, I did not see any reason Shanelle could not get her happy ending.

"Are you going to punch me?" asked Luke out of the blue.

Tyler was quiet for a moment before answering, "No."

"Then why are you raising your fist?" Luke muttered something inaudible before I heard him again, "Well, that fist is definitely not encouraging but let's get on with the story so we can get into yours." I saw the waitress come to their table with the drinks and the boys thanked her. She walked away with a smile on her face and I could understand why. Not all handsome guys were polite but when you found one who was both polite and handsome, it felt amazing. Almost as if you could believe in a miracle again.

"So why are you avoiding each other?" asked Tyler followed by a soft thud of his glass hitting the table.

"Yeah, so I don't remember my first but I do know that I have never been with a virgin so I kinda made a big deal about it and she didn't like it. I told her that she should've told me and I would've acted differently, I don't know, maybe make it more special and all." Luke sighed deeply then took a drink. I could hear him gulping down the liquor. "She said it's no big deal and she also said that she regretted doing it with me because I made a big deal out of it. That got me angry so I said maybe she should have thought about it before she started kissing me and got her hand down my pants. Then she called me a dick." Luke seemed to jump to his feet and the next thing I heard was, "Okay, now I know you definitely want to punch me."

Tyler grunted. "Try to be in my shoes, man. If she's your sister, what would you do after hearing all of this?"

"Well, it would be inappropriate of me to think of my sister the way I think of Shanelle," Luke started mumbling. "I am pretty sure I'd be in jail if I have an incestuous relationship with my sister."

"Luke," warned Ty again.

"But yeah, I get why you're mad. I'm sorry." I heard him settling down in his seat again. "So, what about you and Autumn? Are you seriously going to let this Italian mafia ruin your relationship with her?"

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