<~Chapter 43~>

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"Jay I think she should go"


"What there is something your not telling me?"

"She doesn't trust people, especially someone she has never met, the only people she really trusts is you and me"

"Your family?" I shook my head



"Adam or ed or any of them?"

"She trusts them but not to the level she trusts us"

"She fully trusts me?"


"I think she should go"


She came down the stairs, "stop yelling I have a headache"

"Come here"


"Your mom and I think you should go to therapy" she backed away from me

"No no"

"Hey hey listen to me" I went over to her and wrapped my arm around her

"It will help you trust me, if you don't like it we will leave ok?" She nodded

The next day.

"I don't wanna go"

"You'll be fine"

I drove us over to the place jess made an appointment for and walked in.

I walked up to the front desk, "hi um Bri Timberlake" she looked up at me and I gave a small smile

"Please don't tell everyone, wanna keep a low profile here" she nodded and smiled and handed a clipboard to me to fill out

"You have to fill this out for her" I nodded and went to go sit down

I started filling it out, "when's your birthday?" I said our loud

"Really" she said shaking her head

"I'm trying to lighten your mood, your a nervous wreak over there"

"Stop I'm trying not to be"

I went back up and handed her the clipboard when Bri's name was called. We both followed the attendant lady to a room and she shut the door behind us.

A few minutes later an older woman walked in and introduced herself as Kate to me and Bri.

She told us to sit down at her desk and Bri was a little hesitant at first.

I have her a light push and she sat down and I sat next to her. "Just tell me about your past"

Bri grabbed my hand from under the desk. She started explaining everything until up until today.

"You two are a family?"

"Yes and i just got married"

"Are you comfortable around her?"

"Yeah, she treats me like her daughter and I look up to her as a mom"

"Now you said that you have anxiety?"

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