<~Chapter 26~>

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We're in Indianapolis, about 12 days after my birthday.

Jess had filming for her upcoming movie so she had to go back to LA a few days after my birthday.

It was just me and dad again, and I have yet to tell him about Cameron, I might as well get it over with.

Johnny had driven me to Starbucks this morning to get an iced coffee, which is my new addiction recently. Then he dropped me off at Panera so I could get one of there delicious bagels

Dad is now suppose to pick me up soon. They called my name and I got my bagel and found a table in the back.

I took a picture of my food, and my book I was reading.

Good morning from your fav timberlake🙂☀️

@justintimberlake- I'm the fav timberlake🤔@britimberlake

@britimberlake- are you really😂🤔@justintimberlake

Justin's pov

After responding to bri's Instagram post I took a quick shower before going to pick her up.

I found her in the back table with her earbuds in, and was reading her book.

I sat down across from her, "fancy seeing you here" she said taking her earbuds out

"Hey you have coffee" I grabbed her cup and took a sip

"Yeah and its mine"

She tried grabbing it but I pulled it back, she groaned. "Dad" she gave me the puppy dog eyes and I gave in

"You need to stop with those damn puppy dog eyes, I can't say no to you"

"If you want coffee go get one" she sighed, I looked at her with sad eyes and she rolled her eyes and got up and got in line.

"The things I do for you"

"Whoa whoa other way around my friend, all the things I do for you, I got you a milkshake at three in the morning, you owe me this coffee"

"Whatever" she said

She came back with my coffee and sat down across from me.

"So um I" she started

"Use your words babes"

She glared at me, "I have something to tell you"

"Is it good or bad?"

"I think good, but you know I don't know about you, so when we were in Memphis, the day you slept the whole day, I went down to the arcade and met a guy"

"And he is your boyfriend that you waited a month to tell me about?"

"No he is a friend, his name is Cameron Boyce"

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