<~Chapter 24~>

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Our days in LA went by and we had one more show before it was thanksgiving.

Today was the day before thanksgiving and we were in Anaheim.

But today was also the day of my dads birthday, the guy I thought was my dad but wasn't and kidnaped me, yeah, and it makes me think of all the things that have happened to me.

I just want to be normal, but I'm not, I'm far from it.

So here I am sitting in the shower in the hotel for what is about an hour now just thinking about everything.

I was going to be doing sia's music videos, I had a photo shoot with Pharrell and adidas the other day and have become apart of that, plus not to mention tour, and then basketball and dance.

Justin's pov

I finally got back to the hotel from shopping for bri's birthday present, since we will be in Las Vegas for her birthday and I had a big surprised plan for during the show.

I unlocked the door and walked in and jess was pacing around the room. "What's up with you?"

"Your daughter"

"What did she do now?" I said setting the shopping bags down

"She has been in the shower for almost an hour, I tried talking to her but she says she wants you"

I sighed and went to the bathroom, knocking on the door before I went in. "Babes"

"Go away" she sniffled

"What's wrong?"


What could be bothering her, tomorrow was thanksgiving, her birthday was the day after, wait today was her dads birthday

Not her biological dad but the other one, the one that tried to kidnap her. Yeah the one I wanna beat up, but won't probably have the chance to.

"You wanna talk about it" I said sitting down outside of the shower. She opened the door a little and I went in and sat next to her. She still had her clothes on from earlier

I wrapped my arm around her and she cried into my shoulder. "It-its h-his birthday"

"I know, I know baby, shh it's ok" I wrapped her into both of my arms and she cried more

"Wh-why did this have to happen to me"

"I wish it didn't happen to you either, I wish I met you before I did and saved you from all of this"

"Me too" she wiped her eyes and I reached up and turned the shower off. She started shivering and I got out and handed her a towel and she came over to me and handed me one too.

We both sat on the floor and dried off. "Go get changed and we can watch a movie ok?" She nodded and kissed my cheek

The next day
Back in LA

It was thanksgiving and my family and Jess's family were celebrating together. Bri was still on edge about yesterday, her anxiety was bothering her. She has been clinging to my side since yesterday, a thing she does every time her anxiety starts.

"Bri let your dad change" jess sighed as Bri clung to me tighter

"Honey 5 minutes ok? Go with jess" Bri let go of my hand and went her room across the and closed the door

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