<~Chapter 15~>

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7 months away from him.

It's finally September 2013, it's two days away from being October.

Dads second part of his album came out yesterday.

As summer went by dad went on tour with JAYZ for about a month and he has been busy with runner runner as well.

His tour starts in a month, I want to be there with him.

He said I could be his opening act.

Well that's out the window I guess now.

I still am waiting for him to just show up and take me away and make everything go back to normal.

It will never be normal will it, I won't have a normal life will I.

"Come on Bri!"

What makes you think you can call me Bri.

I went down the stairs and they were both waiting at the door.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see" mom said

Yeah they had made me call them mom and dad, against my will I have to call them that or I am grounded and I need to get out of that house every once and a while.

We drove and stopped in front of a the court house, does this mean.

And so it begins.... Again

We walked inside and they led us to our table. I saw dad sitting at the other side he makes eye contact with me and gives me a small smile.

"We are here today to reverse the custody of Brianna Julia Timberlake"

"Mr. Timberlake would you please step forward" dad went up to the stand and sat down

"Is it true you had contact with Brianna when you shouldn't have"


"Is it true she ran away from home?"

"Yes it is"

"Do you know why exactly?"

"To see me, and to tell me something"

"What did she want to tell you"

"That her foster parents had taken her back to her real parents and it was all a set up"

"She ran to you and told you this"

"What else was she suppose to do" I could tell dad was fed up with it, no one else could see but I could

Just calm down dad..

"Are you alright Mr. Timberlake"

"I'm tired but fine"

"Would you like to tell us why your tired?"

"Why I'm tired, I have an album I've worked my ass off trying to put together the past two years while trying to raise a daughter that had the most screwed up childhood and I was trying to give her the best life ever but no that had to come to an end, and to tell you the truth I'm lost without that girl over there, she's the inspiration for all my songs and everything, I need her, and well I've had a rough go not having her by my side" dad got up and went back to his seat by his table

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