<~Chapter 4~>

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"Come in come in" dad put his arm around my shoulders and gave me a little push in the door.

He shakes both of their hands and I give them a very small smile

"Please sit" the lady said, like why are they so nice they sounded mean on the phone

Dad sat down on the couch and I sat right next to him. "Be nice"

"Not even one sarcastic comment"

"Bri, they are trying to make up for what happened, just try to hear them out"

"Why are you taking their side all of a sudden"

"We'll talk about this later" he said as both of them came back into the room to sit down

"Hi Brianna, I'm Pat and this is Richard"


They both looked over at dad, "so you're the adopted dad"

He nodded, "yes I am"

"What happened to the foster parents?"

"Th-they died" go away anxiety, dad glanced over at me with a concerned look on his face asking if I was okay

I just nodded and he turned back to them, "Brianna we would love for you to live with us, and be a family again"

"We were never a family, I have never met you before in my life, you shipped me off before I could say my first words, and great choice of foster parents they were great, awesome job"

They both looked over at each other, "we wanted to be there, we wanted to save you from them after we heard what happening, we took them to court but they were the parents, we couldn't get you back, so we choose to stay out of it"

"Well I'm glad you did, because if you did I would most likely be living here, and not have met dad"

Pat looked like she was fed up with my comments I was making. Richard looked at dad, "do you take care of her?"

"Why should you care!" Dad put his arm around me

He kissed my forehead, "hey hey calm down it's alright"

"Yeah I do take care of her" I sat back down next to dad and leaned into him

"You have a career, and she is what at home alone?"

"No she's not she is with me, she is homeschooled, and she has started her own career"

"What does she do?" Pat asked

Justin's pov

If Bri wasn't already mad enough, that question had to put her over the edge. I looked over at her and she was taking really deep breaths, I put my arm around her back and rubbed circles on her back

"I am a singer, dancer, basketball player, sole modeling, and some acting soon too" she said saying it as calm as she could

"What songs have you done"

"I have 2, but an ep  coming out on march 3rd, I also do YouTube and musicly"

"We don't know what any of that is"

Bri just sits there and doesn't say anything, "it takes talent to do" she finally said

"Bri we really want to try and have you live with us, just to try it, we want you in our family"

"Can we talk about it?"

"No we don't have to talk about it, I'm not living with you!"

"Honey calm down" I said grabbing her arm she shakes out of my grip and runs outside of the house

"I'll be right back"

"Justin, when she comes back, let her in here alone"

I nodded hesitant about it and went out to get Bri.

She was sitting in the car with her head in her hands. I knocked on the door and she opened it. "Scoot over" she moved over and I got in next to her in the back of the car

"I don't want to live with them"

"I know, I don't want you to either, I want to be with you through your whole career"

"They wouldn't let me do anything, they would probably say I couldn't be a singer"

"Don't say that, they might, you don't have to live with them"

"Dad don't you see they like are expecting me to"

"Just go in the there and talk to them, I'll be right out here" she opened the door and took one last glance at me and went inside

Bri's pov

"We want you to live here!"

"I don't even know you!"

"We want to get to know you, we want you to be apart of our family, if you don't want to do it we can take your dad to court and get your custody"

"We would get your custody and we would make sure you would never see him again"

"Would you like that?"

"You can't take me away from my dad"

"Of yes we can" I ran out of their house and dad was coming toward the door I jumped into his arms and he wraps his arms around me


"Just breath, calm down you're okay"

"Justin, Bri doesn't want to do this the easy way, we will be taking you to court to grant her custody, enjoy the time you have left with her"

Dad sighed and set me down, "you will not be getting her custody"

"You just watch"

Dad turned around and we both got in the car and drove away

The whole car ride was silent, neither of us knowing what to say to the other. Dad parked in the McDonald's parking lot and looked out the window

"You have to be difficult don't you" he sighed

"I just want a normal life"

"And I promised you that the day I met you, and I'm going to keep my promise, now come on let's go get dinner since you ruined our chance for dinner at your parents house"

"Don't call them that, and I wouldn't have lasted a dinner with them"

"Yeah probably not"

He put his arm around my shoulder and we both walked in.

Back again with another update!
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