Beside me, I heard Ren groan. I nearly laughed at her reaction but remembered that I didn't want to get a detention. I am quite proud to say I have never officially gotten a detention, only a class detention once that was ten minutes long. But I don't count that as a detention because I technically didn't do anything wrong.

Anyways, I zoned back to Mr. Adam's who was now writing Direct and Indirect realism. I swear I heard another groan but not from Ren. I suppose most of the people in here today just couldn't be bothered to do this last lesson. And honestly, I don't blame them.

"So we have three main views on how we perceive the world. Some say we perceive the world directly; they are known as the direct realist. Others say we perceive the world indirectly which is from the indirect realist and lastly, we have the idealist. Today, we are going to briefly look at direct and indirect realism." Mr. Adam's underlined it, completely unaware that half of the class was a second away from falling asleep. "To sum up the direct realist, they say what we see is what we get. According to them, physical objects exist independently of our experiences. They continue to exist even though we don't perceive them."

I continued to listen, writing down little notes when I needed to. Only a few others did the same as me, the rest too bored or tired to do anything else. I didn't mind some things in philosophy, the stuff I despised is the complex stuff that I stay up all night for to re-learn.

"Now," Mr. Adam paused. His eyes searched the classroom, noting who was not paying attention and who was. After being in his class for a while now, I knew he was picking a target. He wanted to pick on someone who clearly wasn't paying attention so that he could give them a detention. A lot of the time I found it humorous, especially when it was people who I didn't like. "Ren, would you like to take a guess on what the indirect realists say?"

I turned to the side as I watched Ren's head shoot up. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. I nearly laughed as I realized she had been sleeping. "Huh?" Ren murmured, confused.

Mr. Adam's sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I asked you, Miss Samuel if you would guess what the indirect realists say on how we perceive the world."

Ren's mouth made an O shape. Patiently, I waited for her to come up with a response.

"Um...uh... they perceive the world..." Ren stammered. "Uh...indirectly! Yes, indirectly." She looked so proud of herself for giving that answer and I nearly congratulated her on the fact that she listened at the start of the lesson until I saw Mr. Adam's expression. He really looked like he wanted to facepalm himself.

Poor guy.

I kind of feel sorry for the teachers here; they have to work with teenagers on a daily basis. It must do something to their mental health.

"Well done Ren for reiterating what I said at the start of the lesson. I would have preferred a guess then that though." Mr. Adam's said.

Ren's mood instantly dropped again as she lowered her head to doodle something on her notepad.

"So," Mr. Adam's started, "Indirect realists say that we perceive the world mind-independently. They say we perceive them through two qualities. Primary and secondary qualities. Primary qualities are things like extension, size, shape etc. whilst secondary qualities are color, texture, smell, taste etc."

I quickly scribbled everything down until my hand was hurting. That was one of the problems of being in this philosophy class: Mr. Adam's didn't pause to let you write everything.

I can't tell you what he said after that because I too dozed off. I had never been more thankful for the bell to go off, it was such a relief. We both packed our stuff up quicker than lightning and stormed out of the class. My shoulders slumped as I realized I had cheerleading now, I really didn't have the energy for it.

"I'll text you later," Ren said to me as we both hugged each other. I think she had to go to rehearsals whilst Cora had to go to cross country training.

"See ya," I replied and walked to my locker to put everything away. All I had to do was get my water bottle and put my stuff away.

I was praying that none of the cheerleaders would question me about Xavier. That was the last thing I needed.

Unfortunately, I just don't have good luck. God must really hate me.

Word count: 1524

A/N: please tell me if you prefer Annabella's POV or third person.

Also, what did you think? Boring philosophy lesson? Or did you find it quite interesting? 

I just want to thank everybody that voted for my story! Honestly, it made my day! Please keep voting if you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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