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*Gumball's POV*

Then it diminished just as quickly as it started.

I blinked a few times and looked around.

We were back in front of the castle, the moon shining bright over us.

I took a deep breath to get the smell of suffering and death out of my system.

Fresh air...grass...sugar...

"That took a lot outta me, guess I'm a little more rusty than I thought." A woman's voice interrupted the silence of the night.

I turned just in time to see Persephone-Hades, still not exactly warmed up to that yet, collapse to the ground.

Collin's hand shot out and cushioned her head before she hit the ground, "I gotcha."

" she okay?" Marshall asked.

"Yes, she simply exhausted much more magic than she expected." A new voice answered.

We looked over to the castle doors and saw Peppermint Butler.

"She just needs to rest up to restore her fact, ALL of you do." She crosses her arms and said with a sort of parental attitude.

"Mm now that 'cha mention it, I could use a bit of sleepies." Cake agreed, stretching her arms.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. And then tomorrow we can figure out what our next step is." I said aloud.

And so it was decided.

We all proceeded to head inside.

I led them all to the kitchen, where we grabbed a bite to eat, before taking them all to their separate rooms.

"And this is where you will be sleeping Collin." I told him as I motioned towards the door in front of us. "If you don't mind..I had you put next door to..Persephone. Just-uh-you case she needs anything." I stumbled with my words; I've never been very good at lying.

He peeked inside the spacious room, and turned to me with a small smile.

"Am I close to you?" He asked.

My cheeks flushed a bit.

"Uh..I mean yeah I guess...I'm just down the hall, first right..." I responded. "Why do you ask?"

"Mm nothing, just wanted to know." His eyes twinkled like Marshall's: mischievous, like he was planning something.

"Uh-um-well..uh..okay then." My cheeks got even hotter as I turned to walk away.

'Stupid Gumball. He wasn't suggesting anything.' I mentally screamed at myself.

"Hey Gumball?" Collin called out.

I froze. "Yeah?" I asked in a small voice.

I suddenly felt big arms wrap around my smaller frame from behind, as a head rested on top of mine.

"Thank you, for everything. You've been very kind to me." He said, rather quietly, as if there were others around that might hear...which there weren't cause everyone was in their rooms.

His body was so warm, it was like an oven. It felt amazing.

And his smell was...even more amazing. Campfires. And marshmallows. And vanilla.

Glob...such an intoxicating allure of smells that filled my nose. I wanted to just roll around in it forever.

His arms pulled me a little closer and I could feel the muscles on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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