Push For It

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*Marshall's POV*

Ned came through the door of the room once more, closing it behind him.

It's probably been roughly five/six hours since he "stole" me and he's been in and out many times. Thankfully, all he's done is give me pecks here and there, nothing more.

But still, that's more than I want. All I want is Gumball...

"Heya Marshy!" He bubbled cheerfully.

I made a "hm" sound and turned my head, not wanting to see him.

"Aww, now that's not very polite!" He whined before I felt a hand jerk my head to rest in front of his face. "I just wanted to come say hi." He mumbled before he leaned in and placed a deep kiss onto my lips.

I didn't move them at all.

I felt him frown before he pulled away, looking down at me.

"Come on! You have to give me a chance!" He whined once more rubbing a finger over my lips.

I opened my mouth and snapped at his finger, but he quickly pulled away with a smirk.

"You are very feisty, aren't you?" He chuckled before he turned to the side, thinking.

I let out a huff of annoyance.

"Ned, I'm done with this. Let me go! You're never going to win. I love Gumball now and forever!" I argued.

His face lit up at my words and he turned to me.

"What if I make you a deal? Give me, say, forty-eight hours to try and win your love and if I don't win then I'll let you go." He said with a smile.

I'm not dumb.

"Or I can keep denying you until someone finds me. You can't keep me here forever."

"Very true, but if you disagree, I will continue to make Gumball's life a living hell. Know what? I'll even throw in a bonus: If I can't make you fall in love with me in forty-eight hours, then I'll see you free AND I'll stop jacking with Gumball's life." He plopped himself on the nearby bed, tilting his head with a grin. "Deal?"

I considered my options.

Accept and reject him, once more, after forty-eight hours and be set free and he won't mess with Gumball anymore


Refuse and eventually be freed, but he will still try and take everything away from Gumball...

Gumball's sad face popped into my mind.

His face...the amount of distress and despair that it held as he told me what Ned has done...his eyes...I never want to see that again.

I let out a small sigh as he continued to gaze at me silently.

"I accept," his lips stretched into a smile at this "But! I have some rules." I continued.

His eyebrows scrunched together, obviously he was unhappy about what I was trying to propose.

"First, you can't try to make me fall in love with you by forcing sex on me."

I heard him mutter a small "damn!".

"Second, you can't harm me."

To this he just shrugged, "Would never think of hurting you beautiful." He said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes and continued, "And third, you have to let me see Gumball."

He stood up and crossed his arms.

Vampire SicknessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang