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Hades ^^
*Marshall's POV*

We stepped into a brightly lit entrance hall.

Chandeliers adorned the high ceiling, sparkling with pretty jewels as the walls were set with many beautiful and captivating paintings.

My gaze trailed to the nearest one on the left which held a scene with many brilliant colors.

In the middle-top of the painting, four solemn figures sat on horses. The leftmost one was a fiery red figure with long trailing hair and a long whip, to the right was a bluish figure with a blue ponytail and two daggers, to the right of that sat a dark hooded figure with a large scythe, and to the far right sat a tall normal-looking man with a stern gaze and a giant sword set in hand.

Below them lay what looked like a giant battlefield. Bodies lay dotted across the landscape, blood and weapons were scattered about as other people stood fighting one-another.

It was quite a gruesome painting.

My attention was disrupted by a door to the right opening.

As I drew my gaze away from the painting, I saw the others similarly startled.

Evidently, they were as entranced as I was.

A red-tinted demon of about the same physique as Gumball stepped through the doorway into the hall.

"If you will please step into this room while I inform The Master of your arrival." He said in a smooth voice.

"But you don't know why we're here-" I tried to say but the demon had turned ahead and walked through the doors at the far end of the hall.

I looked uncertainly at the rest of the group.

They all returned the look.

I sighed and lead the way into the adjacent room, letting go of Gumball's hand.

It was surprisingly cozy, with a soft light shining through the room, not as bright as the entranceway. There was a lit stone fireplace to the right with a giant wooden table set in front of it. Assorted sofas and chairs sat around it.

We made our way over to them and sat down.

Me and Gumball sat on a deep red sofa facing the fireplace, Collin sat ahead to the left on a charcoal colored chair with Cake ahead and to the right on a smaller version of our couch.

The tension in the air was thick as we all sat in silence.

One moment every thing was normal and then suddenly the wooden table in front of us was filled with sweets. Assorted chocolates and cakes and sugary sweets of the such spread out before us.

We all exchanged several nervous glances.

"I...don't think we should risk it.." Collin said.

"You're right sugar. That don't seem right. I mean, where the glob did this come from??" Cake asked.

I could only shrug.

It seems none of us were gonna touch the food.

"Smart choice." A familiar voice called from behind me.

We all turned to see the same demon from outside. He stood in front of a doorway that I hadn't noticed before, now wide open.

"If you had eaten that, you'd have melted from the inside and burst into flames within seconds." The demon said with a slight smirk.

My eyes trailed back to the desserts.

Seemingly sweet and delicious, actually quite deadly.

Well, not to me and Collin, that sort of magic wouldn't affect us. But I'm sure Cake and Gumball wouldn't be as...resilient.

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