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River Styx with Charon the ferryman^^^ (ignore the weird blue tentacle things)

*Marshall's POV*

My body felt kind of weird.

My stomach sort of lurched as I closed my eyes of the blinding light.

My feet hit solid ground and I could feel the brightness fade.

I peeled my eyes open and my heart dropped.

I was standing on dark ashen-colored rock before an old wooden dock.

The very air around me was thick with death.

Screams of torture and sorrow echoed in the distance.

But that wasn't the weirdest part.

My eyes gazed out past the dock.

It rest at the edge of a giant expanse of water.

...well, not exactly water...

It was green, almost acidic, and a scary gas rose from it.

Then, before my very eyes the water swirled and pictures began to form.

I saw Henrietta. She stood before me with a kind-hearted smile as her hand rested on my cheek.

Her mouth opened, as if to say something--

"Don't look into the water!" Lucifer yelled, his voice covering over Henrietta's.

I blinked a couple times, shook my head, and the image was gone.

I looked around and noticed the others doing the same.

"I don't like this place. Gives me the heebie-jeebies!" Cake said, none too happy.

The hair on her tail stood on end as it swished through the air nervously.

Gumball's glowing eyes faded as he looked around.

I could hear his heartbeat starting to pick up.

His breath quickened.

"What's that smell?" He asked. "It's putrid."

"Death." Collin stated. "It's all around us. And it's coming from there." He pointed to the river.

"So I guess that's the river Styx." I said to no-one specifically.

'Yes.' Lucifer's voice rang through my head.

Guess that answers my question...

Gumball's heart picked up a bit more and he quickly shuffled over to me.

He quickly wrapped his hands around my arm, moving his face close to it as well.

"I don't like it here." He tried to whisper, but it came out more as a whimper.

I used my free hand to move his left hand down to my right, quickly entertaining my fingers with his.

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