What now?

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*Collin's POV*

"Brace yourself! This is gonna hurt!" Marshall yelled at me as he tucked Gumball underneath him, shielding him.

I quickly brought my hands up to my face and braced myself as told.

In a matter of moments, we reached the window and flew headfirst into it.

The force shattered the glass as it exploded outwards.

We followed after as we flew out into the sunlight.

As we flew out of the comfort of the shade of the building, the sun's rays hit me and Marshall's skin.

It instantly grew absurdly hot and started to burn and blister.

The pain was like nothing I could remember. It felt like the air around me was burning me as my body turned into liquid fire.

I knew Marshall felt it too when he started to falter and lose his distance from the ground.

"AH! UGH! KEEP GOING!" I groaned out in pain to Marshall.

He gave out a sort of approving grunting noise as he picked up speed.

I watched through narrow eyes and gritted teeth as we passed what look like giant gumball machine statues and finally out of the city, leaving the Candy Kingdom far behind.

My eyes swiveled down to my waist as I saw something that caught my eye.

If I wasn't in as much pain as I was at that moment, I'd probably have gasped out of surprise, but since of course that wasn't true, I only widened my eyes in fear.

I watched as the bright sunlight around us gathered together in literal visible rays of light shining twice as intensely on Marshall. The pure light streams burned him twice as fast and twice as much.

"AAAAGGHHH!!!" He yelled in pain as we started to rapidly decline towards the ground.

My stomach dropped down to my feet at the speed we were headed towards the ground.

"Marshall!" I screamed at him. "Keep going! Please!"

"AAAGGHH!! IT HURTS!!!" He writhed in pain as we were practically free-falling now.

I looked down at the ground and started to panic.

"Marshall! Seriously come on! You can do this! We're almost there!" I continued to scream.

I released my burning left hand from his bubbling arm and clapped it into his right hand.

"Marshall! Take more of my magic!"

"My only response was more yelling.

"MARSHALL!" I started to yell just as loud as I focused on forcing my magic into him.

At first nothing happened, until a blue ring passed down his arm, to his hand, and through it into mine.

The moment it reached my hand, I was electrocuted. A LOT.

As the electricity ran through my body, I felt his magic suddenly break like a dam and start flooding into me.

My heart started beating like crazy. Whether it was from adrenaline from us free-falling through the air, the electricity coursing through my body, or just fear of the Vampire King's possible death, I don't know but it gave me a sudden new-found strength.

I gathered up what energy and magic I had left and clenched onto Marshall tightly.

"Here goes nothing." I whispered as I closed my eyes.

Vampire SicknessWhere stories live. Discover now