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(Aww isn't that pic adorb's ^o^ )

*Fiona's POV*

Gumball finished recounting his party to me.

Hmmm...so that's when it all started. But could we really count that as the "start of it"? I mean, Marshall DID break up with Ashley for "someone" *cough* *Gumball* *cough* but he didn't really make it obvious. This is getting interesting.

I was suddenly jolted out of my thoughts by the Bubblegum Prince of Pink sitting in front of me.

"So? What do you think?" He asked me.

"Hm...well...I'm not sure."

"What do you mean 'not sure'?"

"I mean, I'm not sure if he broke up with Ashley for you or for someone else. I mean, it could be anyone."

Cake interjects, "Sugar, it's sooooo obvious he's got the stuffings for Gumball. Why else would he hold his hand and give him looks like that?"

"True true, but it could just be nothing." I respond thinking it all through.

"Well anyways, I just don't understand what his motive is. I mean, is he really just messing around with me? Or is Marshall-" Gumball is cut off.

"You called?" It was Marshall. One second it was just Gumball on the couch, then the next Marshall was just there next to him laying with his legs on Gumball's lap.

"Uh-Marshall? I-I don't-" Gumball tried pushing Marshall's legs off of him but they wouldn't budge. He's really bad at thinking of excuses.

I got up and sighed dramatically, "Well, Marshall, if you should know-"

Gumball, with slightly pink cheeks, glares so sharply at me, I could almost feel a cut on my cheek (Idk I'm cheesy and stupid XD ).

I met his eyes and nodded my head slightly.

"If you should know, we were talking about how you were doing really good at practice earlier."

I can see Gumball mentally sigh in relief.

"Oh," Marshall seemed disappointed "well thanks I guess. I mean, I know you can never top me, but you and Cake did good too." He said with a smirk on his face.

Cake dug around in my bag for something. She came out with a small knife and threw it at Marshall's head.

He quickly jumped onto Gumball's lap and wrapped his arms around his neck as the knife hit the wooden wall and stuck with a 'thud'.

"Bubba!" He whined. "Cake's trying to hurt me!"

I couldn't see Marshall's face, probably had a smirk or something on it, but I could see Gumball's...and boy was it red.

He met my eyes and mouthed to me,
What do I do?

I mouthed back,
Grab his ass
and made a grabbing motion with my hands as I tried to hold back a snicker.

Gumball's face turned even darker and he scoffed at me.

"What are you guys doing??" Marshall turned around, curious about the noises.

"Nothing, just admiring your butt in those pants." I said with a straight face, trying to hold back another laugh.

Marshall's face turned pink, "Fiona! You're such a perv!" Marshall flew away into the kitchen, probably to get something to eat.

I giggled and looked at Gumball.

He sighed and looked at me, "Thanks" he whispered "I don't think I could have taken anymore of him."

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