Surprise, Surprise

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The Candy Kingdom Castle Library ^^^ (except smaller)
*Gumball's POV*


As soon as that was screamed I knew exactly who that voice belonged to.

That sneaky little stalker cat.

I then realized my beautiful boyfriend was still beautifully naked...

He must have read my mind or something cause next thing I knew, he had poofed in a cloud and disappeared underneath the shirt.

I lifted the sweatshirt off of my legs and found a little fuzzy grey bat looking up at me.

I smiled as I reached down and took him in my hands.

"Yes, we're fine." Collin answered for us.

I looked up and saw Cake looking at me, normal sized again.


She was giving me a puzzling look.

"What?" I asked confused.

Her eyes darted over to Collin and back to mine.

I narrowed my eyebrows as I looked to my right over at Collin and back at her, still not getting it.

I heard Collin let out a frustrated sigh before he stood up and walked to Cake.

"I'm Collin, Gumball's...friend." He paused as he stuck his hand out towards the cat.

She looked between him and his hand for a few seconds before walking past him, towards me and Marshall.

I watched as Collin turned around with a frown, giving me a look, and mouthing 'What the hell!'

I gave him an apologetic face before I looked at Cake who now stood in front of me.

She gazed down at Marshall.

He returned the gaze.

She shook her head, facepalmed, and let out a small sigh all in one breath before saying, "I'm not even gonna ask."

She moved her gaze up to me.

"Can you please explain to me what in the glib glob is going on here? There I was, just on my way to come visit you, about to walk into the Candy Kingdom, when all-of-a-sudden I see a flying grey boy carrying two other boys, one who was pink, away from the Kingdom. Using my common cat-sense, I assumed it was you glob-heads and followed after, though it took me a while, you were going so darned fast." She exclaimed, finally finishing.

A glance made its way between me, Marshall, and Collin, ending back at me.

'Should we tell her?' Marshall's voice sounded in my head.

I was too distracted at the moment to question how the hell I could hear him inside my brain.

Instead I responded with, 'Yeah, I suppose so. But maybe leave out some of the rather...tedious parts.'

'Oh, you mean like the parts where you were butt-naked and I could see all of your sexiness in front of me all at once?' He asked with a smirk, or at least, as close to a smirk as a bat could get.

My cheeks flushed as I ignored him and focused back on Cake.

"Why are you blushing sugar?" She asked me, confusion painting her face.

I glared daggers down at Marshall before looking back up at her, "Nothing, nothing." I took a breath. "Well...if I'm correct, it started sometime yesterday..."

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