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*Marshall's POV*
It was so nice. HE was so nice. I looked at Gumball's cute little red face as we kissed and I felt myself swooning already.

But of course, it didn't last long.

All of a sudden the door bursts open and Fiona runs inside towards us.

"GUYS LOOK AT WHAT WE--" she ran in practically screaming at a little toy she held in her hand until she noticed us. Like ACTUALLY noticed us. Me on the couch, Gumball sitting in my lap, and me cupping his face in my hands.

"U-um we can explain--" I start to say nervously until Gumball interrupts me.

"I'M SORRY!" he yells and leaps off of me and runs towards the door. Of course, Cake's now coming in with groceries and Gumball knocks into her things going everywhere.

"Are you ok sugar?" Cake asks Gumball bending down to pick everything up.

"I-I'm sorry!" He says again blushing a bit and runs out the door. Geez, that boy's got a serious blushing problem.

"Gumball, wait!" is all I can say before he's gone.

"Marshall?" Fiona looks at me with a puzzled look on her face.

Glob, I don't wanna deal with her right now.

"Sorry Fiona, but I gotta run! I'll text you later!" I tell her as I grab my ax and practically fly out the door after Gumball.
*Gumball's POV*
Oh my glob. Oh my glob. Oh my glob! That's the only thought going through my mind as I run away from all of them. I ran until I was out of breath. I stopped for a second and bent down to put my hands on my knees.

"Pant-pant-pant" my legs hurt a little but my mind was racing. 'Oh my glob! What just happened? Did I really just tell Marshall that? Is that really how I feel? How does he really feel?' All of these thoughts were running through my head, and I just need to sit down. I walked to my right and sat with my back against the tree that stood there. I took slow deep breaths for a minute or two and organized my thoughts. I looked at my phone.

6:40 am

I needed to get home. Pepper told me to be back by 7:30 for some appointment with somebody. I didn't really pay attention to the details because Fiona was too busy practically dragging me out of bed and to her house.

I looked up...and realized where I was. I was in the Dark Forest by Fiona's house. *sigh* of course I had to be stranded in here. I had just run from the house not thinking where I was running to. Sometimes I can be such a globhead.

I tried calling Pepper to see if she could find me, but of course, no service and low battery. What are the odds! Soon I'm gonna be super stranded! Ugh, I lightly punch myself in the face. I'm so dumb.

I looked around for a path or some piece of land I was familiar with, but no such luck since the sun hadn't come up yet. It was still early in the morning. I heard some branches snap near me behind the tree. I yelped and jumped up. Maybe if I just go back the way I came I can find my way from there.

I looked to my left and right. Now um...which way did I come from? Glob it again! I was so busy with my thoughts that I hadn't payed attention to where I had come from.

More snapping branches could be heard from my I decided to go left. I was getting nervous now, I'd heard of the creatures that lived in the forest but I didn't want to encounter one. I'm not big and strong like...Marshall. Jeez, what was he saying to me. He's such a tease sometimes and it's not funny.
*back to Marshall*
I flew over the Dark Forest looking for Gumball. I was nervous. What if someone or something finds Bubba before I do? What if they hurt him? Bubba is mine, only I can hurt him! Especially when I sink my fangs into that pink little bubble butt...WHAT?! NO! NOT THE TIME! Stop it Marshall! Focus!

I flew around some more until I heard heavy breathing nearby (vampire hearing, duh). It was Bubba. I listened closer and I could hear his footsteps not far to my left. I silently flew that way until I could see his pink hair and his cute pink jacket. I could even see that cute little butt in those pants. Marshall! STILL not the time!...but then again. I smirked as I thought of something funny.

I flew in close behind Gumball and waited a moment or two until I leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "Boo!"

He squeaked and turned around.

"Marshall!" His eyes started to tear up. "That's not funny. You scared me so bad." He whined as a tear flowed down his cheek.

"Aww, shh. Bubba, don't cry. I'm sorry. It's just me." I whisper to him as I reach my hand up and wipe the tear from his face. He looks at me with those beautiful blue eyes.

"Well...please don't do it again." He says calming down a little. And looks away.

He's so adorable, is all I can think to myself.

"Do you want me to take you home?" I ask in a quiet voice and quickly give him a kiss on the cheek.

He blushes a little again.

"I-um-yes...please..." he whispers, avoiding my gaze still.

I step towards him and pull him into a hug.

"Hold on tight, Gummy." I tell him again with a grin before I take off flying high into the sky.

"MARSHALL!" He screams into my chest. "YOU KNOW I'M AFRAID OF HEIGHTS!"

I giggle into his ear.

"I told you, you better hold on tight."

He clutches his arms around me holding me tighter than ever before. I smile a little bit wishing we could do this more often.

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